Elmar Õun

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Elmar Õun (also Elmar Siegfried Õun , born August 10 . Jul / 23. August  1906 greg. In Saint Petersburg , † 2. October 1977 in Stockholm ) was an Estonian writer .


Õun went to school in Tallinn and after graduating from Tallinn Realgymnasium studied law and mathematics at the University of Tartu and chemistry at the Tallinn University of Technology for a few semesters . At the end of the German occupation of Estonia in World War II , he left the country and came to Sweden . Here he obtained several degrees at the universities of Uppsala and Stockholm and was then a teacher at high schools in Stockholm.


Õun made his short story debut and published his first book for children in 1936. After that, he continued to write for children, but shifted his focus to adult literature. In his novels he often dealt with life on Hiiumaa , for example in The Forgotten Women (1938), in which the men going to sea are largely absent and the women have to get by on their own.

His novel Kiefern und Rauch deserves special mention , which - unusual for an exile author - was published in Soviet Estonia in 1971 . It deals with the fate of a trade unionist who was murdered in 1919, which apparently reveals the story of his father and his own Tallinn youth in the revolutionary environment of the Tallinn working class. The novel was, as the critics noted, not necessarily stylistically masterful, but like a loaf of bread: “Only when you no longer have it, its meaning becomes clear to you.” At the same time, the autobiographical references were abundantly clear, which is why another critic suggested it pointed out that this is more of a biography than a novel, not even "a biography made into a novel because there is no intrigue here."

Even in exile, the author continued to write children's books with animal stories, in which "the life of birds and animals is told in a knowledgeable and sensitive manner."


  • 1936 Second prize in the competition for young people's literature by Loodus Verlag.
  • 1938 Second prize in the Loodus publishing house's novel competition.
  • 1940 Second prize in the Päevaleht competition for serial novels .



  • Soomusrongil ('On the armored train'). Tartu: Loodus 1936. 130 pp.
  • Unustatud naised ('The Forgotten Women'). Tartu, Tallinn: Loodus 1938. 320 pp.
  • Männid ja suits ('Pines and Smoke'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1971. 216 pp.
  • Meri ja maa ('sea and land'). Stockholm: Välis-Eesti & EMP 1977. 216 pp.

Children's and young people's literature

  • Kolm oravat ('Three Squirrels'). Tartu: Loodus 1936. 80 pp.
  • Siilu seiklused ('Siilu's Adventure'). Stockholm: Noor-Eesti 1951. 42 pp.
  • Lugu pessa unustatud pardipojast ('The story of the duckling that was forgotten in the nest'). Uppsala: Autori kirjastus 1954. 37 pp.
  • Tsirr ('buzz'). Uppsala: Autori kirjastus 1975. 31 pp.

Literature on the author

  • Helmut Tarand: Suure romaani esimene osa ?, in: Looming 10/1971, pp. 1592–1594.
  • Reet crusts: Asjalik tagasivaade minevikku, in: Keel ja Kirjandus 11/1971, pp. 690–692.
  • Vaapo Vaher : Elmar Õun ja Hiiumaa, in: Loomng 1/2015, pp. 120-138.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Eesti kirjanike leksikon. Koostanud Oskar Kruus yes Heino Puhvel. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 2000, pp. 689-690.
  2. Eesti kirjanduse ajalugu. II köide. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1966, p. 310.
  3. Reet crusts: Asjalik Tagasivaade minevikku in: Keel yes Kirjandus 11/1971, S. 691st
  4. Helmut Tarand: Suure romaani esimene osa ?, in: Looming 10/1971, p. 1593.
  5. Eesti kirjandus paguluses. XX sajandil. Toimetanud Piret Kruuspere. [Tallinn:] Eesti TA Underi ja Tuglase Kirjanduskeskus 2008, pp. 546-547.