Vaapo Vaher

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Vaapo Vaher, 2012

Vaapo Vaher (pseudonym V. Lepp , born January 27, 1945 in Tallinn ) is an Estonian literary critic and poet .


Vaapo Vaher went to Tallinn and Kärdla to school and studied from 1965 to 1968 Architecture at the Technical University in Tallinn. Before and after he worked in various craft professions, from 1974 to 1976 he was bibliographer at the central library of Hiiumaa . He then worked in the journalistic field at various newspapers and magazines - as a language corrector, correspondent and editor. He has been working as a freelancer since 1999.

Vaher has been a member of the Estonian Writers' Union since 1995 .


Vaher has been publishing since 1973 and in his early days also wrote a few poems that appeared in compilations. Later he concentrated on literary criticism and wrote essayistic accounts on numerous Estonian writers. His main work (2019) is a two-volume literary history of the island of Hiiumaa, which offers an extensive collection of material on every author who is in one way or another - shorter or longer - connected with the second largest Estonian island.



  • Surmakuul & seemnepurse ('Death Ball and Ejaculation') Tallinn: Eesti-Kambodža Sõprusühing & Juku-Kalle Raid 2002. 528 pp.
  • Kokaiin Balti jaama turult. Miniatuure vene kultuurist ('Cocaine from the Baltic Railway Station. Miniatures on Russian Culture'). Tallinn: Sirp 2003. 223 pp.
  • Imelaps, kellest ei saanud geeniust. Esseistlik monograafia Ardi Liivesest ('The child prodigy who did not become a genius. Essayistic monograph on Ardi Liives '). Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus 2007. 463 pp.
  • Jalgpall hinede öös. Vutist eesti kultuuriloos ('Football in the night of souls. Football in Estonian cultural history'). Tallinn: Pegasus 2010. 256 pp.
  • Vampiiride tants. Esseed ja ütlemised ('Dance of the Vampires. Essays and Sayings'). Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus 2012. 430 pp.
  • Hiiumaa kirjanduse lugu. Esseid ja uurimusi ('History of the literature of Hiiumaa. Essays and research'). 1, 2. Kärdla: Hiiumaa Teabekapital 2019. 848 + 928 pp.

Article (selection)

  • Mu kurbused on ikka alasti. Improvisatsioone Indrek Hirve teemal, in: Looming 11/1997, pp. 1539–1547.
  • Hando Runnel ja külmking, in: Looming 11/1998, pp. 1724–1737.
  • Õilis pilastaja Johnny B. , in Looming 10/1999, pp. 1553-1563.
  • Kivisildnik - agressiivne akadeemik, in: Looming 10/2001, pp. 1549–1562.
  • Heino yes himu. Heino Kiige seksuaalromaanist "Mind armastab jaapanlanna", in: Looming 5/2002, pp. 742-754.
  • Kaevates sulega hauda. Priidu Beier 47, in: Looming 10/2004, pp. 1545-1554.
  • Palve yes kirg. Ain Kalmuse kirjanikutee alguse taustast, in: Looming 1/2008, pp. 117-136.
  • Adson Hiiumaal. Peatükk saare kirjandusloost, in: Looming 5/2015, pp. 695–717
  • Oengod , in: Looming 1/2016, pp. 114-135; Looming 2/2016, pp. 229–248.
  • Kassari murumaa yes tormide rand. Debora Vaarandi ja Juhan Smuuli retked Hiiumaale, in: Looming 9/2016, pp. 1306-1330.
  • Asta Willmann ja tema hiiumaisus, in: Looming 1/2017, pp. 118-140.
  • Ernst Enno hiiumaisus, in: Looming 6/2017, pp. 874–895.
  • Kross Kassaris, Kölerist rääkimata, in: Looming 12/2018, pp. 1735–1755.
  • Paradiisi Tõnu katkematus, in: Looming 8/2019, pp. 1185–1203.

Secondary literature

Individual evidence

  1. Eesti kirjanike leksikon. Koostanud Oskar Kruus yes Heino Puhvel. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 2000, p. 639.