Hoya wayetii

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Hoya wayetii
Hoya wayetii, inflorescence

Hoya wayetii , inflorescence

Order : Enzianartige (Gentianales)
Family : Dog poison family (Apocynaceae)
Subfamily : Silk plants (Asclepiadoideae)
Tribe : Marsdenieae
Genre : Wax flowers ( hoya )
Type : Hoya wayetii
Scientific name
Hoya wayetii

Hoya wayetii is a plant of the genus of wax flowers ( Hoya ) of the subfamily of asclepiadoideae (Asclepiadoideae).


Hoya wayetii is a perennial , epiphytic plant with twisting, branched shoots that can also hang. The thread-like shoots are up to 2 mm in diameter and bare. They are heavily leafed and become somewhat lignified with age. They have small, short, somewhat thickened adventitious roots directly below the somewhat thickened nodes. on. The internodes are 3 to 5 cm long. The opposite, succulent leaves are short stalked, the round and bare, dark green leaf stalks in cross section are 0.5 to 1.5 cm long. The narrow-lanceolate leaf blades are 5 to 14.5 cm long and 1.5 to 2.7 cm wide. The top and bottom are bare, the top is flat to slightly convex, the bottom is triangular or the leaf is flat V-shaped in cross-section. The midrib stands out strongly. Otherwise, however, no leaf veins can be seen. The top is dark green with slightly darker edges. The underside is a little lighter. The base of the leaf blade is wedge-shaped, the apex tapers to a point.

The umbel-shaped inflorescence consists of 20 to 30 flowers (12 to 18 flowers) and hangs. The inflorescence stalk is bare, it is up to 7 cm long and is round in cross section. The flower stalks are bare and of different lengths, so that the flowers do not form a uniform surface in the inflorescence. They are curved, 1 to 2 cm long and up to 11 mm thick. The light green sepals are 1.7 mm long and 1.3 mm wide at the base. The apex is rounded. They have cilia on the edges. The inside is bare, the outside granular.

The petal tips are very strongly bent back. The diameter of the corolla is only about 7 to 9 mm and is therefore only slightly larger than the diameter of the secondary corolla . With the tips of the corolla leaves spread out in a star shape, the corolla would have a diameter of about 1.6 cm. The tips of the petals are dark red and have fine hairs on the inside. On the outside, the petal tips are glabrous, except for the apical tips, which are finely hairy. The petal lobes are 3.5 mm long and about 3.8 mm wide at the base.

The secondary crown is stalked. The tips of the secondary crown are 3.8 mm long, including the extension 4.2 mm and at the widest point 1.7 mm wide. The outer process is bilobate, that is, incised in the middle in a wedge shape. The inner processes are long, spatulate, and unite over the stylus head. The side crown is also deep red, with the exception of the apical parts of the tips. The stylus head is conical, the upper part is fluffy on the sides.

The pollinia are 475 µm long and max. 145 µm wide, and wingless. They are beveled inwards at the apical end. The pollinia are thickest near the apical end. The caudiculae are elongated triangular and start approximately above the middle of the corpusculum. Two club-shaped processes below and on the caudiculae start slightly below the center of the corpusculum. The corpusculum is 160 µm long and slender, widest at the attachment points of the caudiculae and the club-shaped processes. The lower end is strongly incised (almost up to half the length) and surrounded by a membranous membrane attached to the side. The flower smells strongly of honey.

Fruits and seeds have not yet been observed.

Similar Art

The leaf shape is similar to the Hoya verticillata (Vahl) Don and the Hoya kentiana Burton. The leaves of Hoya wayetii are longer, somewhat thicker and more dark green. With Hoya verticillata, however , the leaves are relatively broader, with Hoya kentiana relatively narrower. In Hoya kentiana , the petal tips are also very strongly bent, the flower is slightly larger. In Hoya verticillata , the petal tips are not so strongly bent back.

Geographical distribution and habitat

The distribution area are tropical mountain forests (around 1,500 meters above sea level) in the province of Benguet, Luzon island, Philippines.


The taxon Hoya wayetii was established in 1993 by Robert Dale Kloppenburg. The holotype was collected in November 1989 and came from the area of Baguio , Benguet Province, Luzon , Philippines and is kept under Maximo K. Wayet # 1989 (CHUP) . One isotype has been deposited in the herbarium of the University of California at Berkeley (UC) under the number Kloppenburg # 90148.

The species is named after the finder and collector of the type plant Maximo K. Wayet.


  • Robert Dale Kloppenburg, Ann Wayman: The World of Hoyas - a pictorial guide. A revised version. 248 pp., Orca Publishing Company, Central Point, Oregon, 2007 ISBN 0-9630489-4-5 (p. 244/45)
  • Anders Wennström and Katarina Stenman: The Genus Hoya - Species and Cultivation. 144 p., Botanova, Umeå 2008 ISBN 978-91-633-0477-4 (p. 138)
  • Surisa Somadee and Jens Kühne: Hoya 200 different wax flowers. 96 p., Formosa-Verlag, Witten 2011 ISBN 978-3-934733-08-4 (p. 81)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Robert Dale Kloppenburg: Hoya wayetii Kloppenburg sp. nov. Fraterna, 1993 (2): 9-10, 1993 online at Biodiversity Heritage Library