Elophos caelibaria

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Elophos caelibaria
Elophos caelibaria.jpg

Elophos caelibaria

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Spanner (Geometridae)
Subfamily : Ennominae
Genre : Elophus
Type : Elophos caelibaria
Scientific name
Elophos caelibaria
( Heydenreich , 1851)

Elophos caelibaria , sometimes also referred to as Fuchsen's Alpen-Steinspanner , is a butterfly ( moth ) fromthe Spanner family (Geometridae).



The adults have a strong sexual dimorphism . The male moths reach a wingspan of about 24 to 32 millimeters. Females only have stub wings of up to 18 millimeters and are unable to fly. Pale gray tones predominate on the wings . The darker transverse lines are sometimes only weakly developed. A blackish center stands out more clearly. In freshly hatched specimens, a yellowish over-dusting can often be seen. The hind wings correspond in color to the forewings. The antennae of the males are combed, those of the females are thread-shaped.


Adult caterpillars are gray-brown in color. The wide, dark, broken lines on the back and wavy, yellowish side stripes are characteristic.


The doll is slender, yellow-brown in color and has a wide, flat cremaster , at the end of which are two widely separated bristles.

Similar species

The moths of Elophos zirbitzensis usually show an overall darker appearance, have elongated and narrow fore wings and a more jagged wavy line. The species is considered to be endemic to the Zirbitzkogel in Styria . A genital morphological examination is recommended for a clear determination .

Geographical distribution and occurrence

The main distribution area of Elophos caelibaria are the high altitudes of the Alps between 2000 and 3000 meters. Some animals have also been found at heights of 3400 meters. There are isolated occurrences in mountainous areas of Spain and Slovenia . They inhabit stony alpine lawns, scree slopes and rocky slopes.

Way of life

The moths are mainly crepuscular and also fly to artificial light sources . During the day they like to rest on rocks and stones from which they hardly stand out in color. The main flight time is from June to August. The caterpillars live from late summer to low plants, for example to saxifrage - ( Saxifraga ), plantain - ( Plantago ), sorrel - ( Rumex ) or bluebells species ( Campanula ). The caterpillars usually overwinter twice.


Of the German federal states, the species only occurs in Bavaria and is a species with geographical restrictions.


  • Elophos caelibaria caelibaria
  • Elophos caelibaria jugicolaria
  • Elophos caelibaria senilaria
  • Elophos caelibaria spurcaria


Individual evidence

  1. Walter Forster, Theodor A. Wohlfahrt: The butterflies of Central Europe. Volume 5: Spanner. (Geometridae). Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart 1981, ISBN 3-440-04951-5 .
  2. www.euroleps.ch
  3. Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (Ed.): Red List of Endangered Animals in Germany . Landwirtschaftsverlag, Münster 1998, ISBN 3-89624-110-9 .


Web links