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Elephenor ( Greek  Ἐλεφήνωρ ) was a leader of the Abanten tribe in Euboea in Greek myth . His father was the King Chalcodon. His mother is called Imarete by Hyginus and Melanippe by Johannes Tzetzes .

In Greek literature Elephenor appears for the first time in the ship catalog of the Iliad , where he leads 40 ships from Euboea to Troy. In verse 540 Elephenor is referred to as the "scion of Ares " ( ὄζος Ἄρηος ). After Joachim Latacz he is one of the less important warriors with this nickname. In the further course of the Trojan War , Elephenor is killed by Agenor when he tries unprotected to take the weapons of the previously fallen Echepolos .

Further details are added in later traditions. According to Plutarch, Elephenor atoned Poimandros of Tanagra from murder. In the library of Apollodorus there is a legend that Elephenor accidentally killed his grandfather Abas and had to leave Evia. Later narrators of the Trojan War mix up this story with the mention of Elephenor in the Homeric ship catalog. After Tzetzes he gathered the Abanten on a rock off the coast of Evia, since he was not allowed to enter the island himself. After Plutarch and Pausanias he took the sons of Theseus with him on his train. According to Tzetzes, Elephenor survived the Trojan War and after the victory of the Greeks settled on the island of Othronos near Sicily . When he was driven out here by a dragon, he migrated to Amantia in Illyria .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hyginus, Fabulae 97.
  2. ^ Tzetzes, ad Lycophronem 1029.
  3. Homer, Iliad 2: 536-545.
  4. Latacz (2003) 173.
  5. Homer, Iliad 4: 463-469.
  6. Plutarch, quaestiones Graecae 37.
  7. Libraries of Apollodorus 3, 10, 8.
  8. Plutarch, Theseus 35; Pausanias 1, 17, 6.