Elser (radio play)

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Radio play from Germany
original language German
Year of production 2015
Duration 90 min
production SWR 2 , NDR
author Fred Breinersdorfer
Director Iris Drögekamp

Elser is a German radio play from 2015 by Fred Breinersdorfer . The original broadcast took place on April 1st and 3rd, 2015 in the radio play programs of the SWR and NDR. The play portrays the resistance fighter against National Socialism Georg Elser , whose attempt on Adolf Hitler and almost the entire Nazi leadership in the Bürgerbräukeller in Munich failed. It was made parallel to the movie Elser - He would have changed the world, but tells the same story with the specific means of the radio play. The same film actors play the leading roles in the radio play.


On November 8, 1939, two months after the beginning of the Second World War , the carpenter Georg Elser from Königsbronn attempted an assassination attempt on Hitler in the Bürgerbräukeller in Munich. The time fuse bomb, on which he had worked secretly for months, killed eight people and almost completely destroyed the building. But Hitler and the entire management level of the NSDAP , who were present that evening on the occasion of Hitler's anniversary speech on the 1923 Hitler coup , had left the room 13 minutes before the detonation and got away unscathed.

A few minutes before the bomb exploded, Elser was caught on the run at the border with Switzerland, taken to the Gestapo headquarters, tortured and interrogated. After a short time he confessed to the assassination attempt, but the Gestapo and the Nazi leadership did not believe that he had committed the act alone, without helpers from home or abroad. Finally he was deported to the concentration camp and murdered in Dachau on April 9, 1945 on the orders of the Gestapo chief Heinrich Müller .


The radio play is not a simple audio duplicate of the film, but an independent version that predominantly selects Elser's inner perspective in 100 changes of scene and can therefore deal more intensively and in a very unique way with the possible motives and doubts of the assassin, a complementary color to the film.


  • Radio play of the week, Bayerischer Rundfunk

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