Emílio Joaquim da Silva Maia

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Emílio Joaquim da Silva Maia

Emílio Joaquim da Silva Maia (born September 8, 1808 in Salvador , Bahia , † November 21, 1859 in Rio de Janeiro ) was a Brazilian doctor and naturalist .

Live and act

His father was the merchant Joaquim José da Silva Maia. His mother's name was Joaquina Roza geb. da Costa. Already in his early years he showed his talent in the humanities and had very good teachers in this field in the metropolises of Brazil.

As early as 1817 as a child he experienced the Pernambuco Revolution (also the revolution of the Padres in the Pernambuco captaincy ) due to the sugar cane shortage . In 1821, at the age of 13, he witnessed the February 10th movement in his native Salvador , the beginning of the struggle for Bahia's independence from the Portuguese. At the age of 15 he went through other turbulent political times, in which Peter I finally proclaimed the Empire of Brazil and independence from Portugal. Because of the war of independence he had to interrupt his studies. The entire family boarded a ship in São Luís on July 2, 1823 , which took them to Porto on January 1, 1824 . Here he attended lectures in medicine at the University of Coimbra before political turbulence, this time in Portugal, again disrupted his studies.

In the period before the Miguelist War, he followed his father's example and fought alongside the constitutionalists against the absolutists . When the constitution was revoked in 1824, da Silva Maia fled abroad. He wanted to escape the threatening gallows via Spain and later England. Parts of his family and he returned to Brazil in 1829, but da Silva Maia returned to Europe that same year to continue his studies. On December 2, 1833, he received his doctorate in medicine from the University of Paris for his dissertation Essai sur les dangers de l'allaitement par les nourrices . In March 1834 he returned to his homeland and settled in Rio de Janeiro .

Here he devoted himself fully to the sciences and campaigned for social issues in his homeland. He was involved in politics, did not let himself be carried away by dreams and joined his preferred political associations. Here he pursued an administrative and political career, practiced the medical profession and he took care of all matters relating to the natural sciences.

In addition to looking after his medical clinic, he pursued his studies in the humanities and natural sciences. His services to the welfare of the country were highly valued. His work as an enlightening and active councilor (vereador) of Rio de Janeiro, at the time as the "município da Corte" capital of the empire, earned him a high reputation in society.

Nevertheless, he was completely devoted to the natural sciences and so he became professor at the Colégio Pedro II in 1838 . Here he headed a department of the National Museum and expanded it, following the example of scholars from the ancient world, to include study papers and writings. Many of his articles have appeared in O Auxiliador da Indústria Nacional , published by the Sociedade Auxiliadora da Indústria Nacional, or in Revista medica fluminense , published by the Academia Nacional de Medicina . For some time he worked as the founder and editor-in-chief of the magazine Minerva Braziliera , in which he also described the green-tailed glossy throat ( Polytmus theresiae ). In addition, he was one of the founding members of the Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro .

His publications were complex and appeared in a wide variety of books, journals and magazines. So he published u. a. after the death of José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva an eulogy for the deceased or an overview of the order in the animal kingdom ( Quadros synopticos do reino animal ), as well as some zoological treatises.

At the end of his life, he became seriously ill and was bedridden.


In addition to the Sociedade Auxiliadora da Indústria Nacional, the Academia Nacional de Medicina, the Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro, he was a member of the Instituto Literário da Bahia and the Sociedade Velosiana de Ciências Naturais in Brazil . In Europe he was a member of the Sociedade das Ciências Médicas de Lisboa , the Académie des sciences in Paris and the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences in Copenhagen.

Publications (selection)

  • Essai sur les dangers de l'allaitement par les nourrices (Thèse de médecine de Paris 1833 n ° 252, 1833.) . imp. Didot le Jeune, Paris 1833.
  • Ensaio sobre os perigos à que estão sujeitos os meninos, quando naõ saõ amamentados por suas proprias mâis: appresentado na Sociedade de Medicina do Rio de Janeiro na sessaõ de 18 de junho de 1834 . Na Typographia Imparcial de R. Ogier, Rio de Janeiro 1834 ( archive.org ).
  • Memoria sobre o tabaco: lida nas sessoes da sociedade de medicina do Rio de Janeiro, de 6 e de 18 de December 1834 . Imp. E Const. de Seignot-Plancher e Cª ,, Rio de Janeiro 1835.
  • Elogio historico do illustrious Jose Bonifacio de Andrada e Silva, lido na sessão publica da Academia Imperial de Medicina, a 30 de junho do corrente anno . Imparcial de F. de Brito, Rio de Janeiro 1838 ( senado.leg.br [PDF; 37.3 MB ]).
  • Discurso sobre as sociedades scientificas e de beneficencia que tem sido estabelecidas na America: recitado na Sociedade Litteraria do Rio de Janeiro . Na Typographia Imparcial de Brito, Rio de Janeiro 1836.
  • Duas especies de Beija Flores . In: Minerva brasiliense: jornal de ciências, letras e artes publicado por uma Associação de Literatos . tape 1 , no. 1 , 1843, p. 2–3 ( memoria.bn.br [PDF; 5.0 MB ]).
  • Algumas ideas sobre geographia zoologica, servindo de introdução a diversos trabalhos sobre animaes brasileiros. In: Trabalhos da Sociedade Vellosiana . 1851, p. 39–44 ( museunacional.ufrj.br [PDF; 1.1 MB ]).
  • Quadros synopticos do reino animal, onde se adopta o methodo natural de Cuvier com as precisas modficações conforme o estado actual da sciencia, organisados ​​para facilitar o estudo da Zoologia no internato e externato do Collegio de Pedro II . Type. nacional, Rio de Janeiro 1856.


  • Joaquim Manuel de Macedo: Anno biographico brazileiro . tape 3 . Typographia e Lithographia do Imperial Instituto Artisto, Rio de Janeiro 1876 ( archive.org ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Joaquim Manuel de Macedo, p. 439.
  2. Lucia Maria Bastos Pereira das Neves: Regeneração no Brasil: os movimentos de 1821/1822 na Bahia e os primórdios da edificação do Império do Brasil. In: Anais do XXVI Simpósio Nacional de História , São Paulo, July 2011, pp. 1-14. (PDF; Portuguese). Retrieved March 20, 2017.
  3. a b Joaquim Manuel de Macedo, p. 440.
  4. a b c Joaquim Manuel de Macedo, p. 441.
  5. a b c Joaquim Manuel de Macedo, p. 442.
  6. Joaquim Manuel de Macedo, p. 443.