Emanuel Loew

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Emanuel Löw (born April 3, 1834 in Benken (today Biel-Benken ), † September 24, 1908 in Arlesheim ) was a politician in the Swiss canton of Basel-Landschaft .

He studied law in Basel and Berlin and became a district court clerk in Arlesheim and an independent lawyer . The Democratic Movement Party he was close, and 1858 was one of the founders of the fraternity Helvetia who campaigned "for the people and against the masters." From 1866 to 1869 and from 1882 to 1893 he was in the district administrator . Furthermore, he was in the Council of States from 1868 to 1869 and in the National Council from 1869 to 1875 - in the parliamentary group of the Left. From 1886 to 1898 he was governor of Arlesheim.

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