Emery Kabongo Kanundowi

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Emery Kabongo Kanundowi (born July 22, 1940 in Bena-Kazadi-Tshikula ) is the former bishop of Luebo .


Emery Kabongo Kanundowi was ordained a priest on August 15, 1969 . Pope John Paul II appointed him Archbishop ad personam of Luebo on December 10, 1987 .

The Pope personally donated his episcopal ordination on January 6 of the next year; Co- consecrators were Eduardo Martínez Somalo , substitute for the State Secretariat , and Giovanni Battista Re , Secretary of the Congregation for Bishops .

He resigned from his office on August 14, 2003.

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predecessor Office successor
François Kabangu wa Mutela Bishop of Luebo
Pierre-Célestin Tshitoko Mamba