Emil E. Kobi

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Emil Erich Kobi (born April 20, 1935 in Kreuzlingen ; † April 13, 2011 in Lucerne ) was a Swiss curative educator .

Live and act

Emil E. Kobi completed the teachers' seminar. He then trained to become a special needs teacher, followed by a degree in pedagogy, philosophy, curative pedagogy, psychology, behavioral biology, religious history and psychopathology at the universities of Zurich , Vienna and Tübingen . His academic teachers included a. Paul Moor , Fritz Schneeberger, Otto Friedrich Bollnow and Eduard Montalta . During his studies, he worked full-time as a clinical curative teacher in Basel. In 1963 he received his doctorate with the work Daydreaming in children and young people under Paul Moor. Then Kobi u. a. as a lecturer for psychology, pedagogy and curative education at the teachers' seminar of the city of Basel and as a lecturer, speaker of the Association of Curative Education Training Institutes in Switzerland . In 1971 he completed his habilitation in the field of curative education at the University of Basel . In his inaugural lecture on June 12, 1972, he said about curative education:

“Curative education, like hardly any other branch of science, is dependent in its continuation and development on the fundamental willingness of human society to grant even the weakest, most unprofitable and most disruptive of its members a right to exist. Scientific methods and facts are not enough for curative education to actually achieve a solid foundation: What we need is nothing less than a new, comprehensive truth about people, a new ethics and aesthetics in which the incomprehensible, the The renegade, the unchangeable, indisputable and absurd is endured, held and preserved. "

Kobi understood curative education as the “shadow cast and border area of ​​a (standard) pedagogy that is relevant in terms of cultural history”, which in the “result is generally dependent on unconventional recalibrations of meaningful framework conditions, orienting value perspectives and effective purposes”. The basis of curative education lies “in a teratology”, that is, in a “doctrine of the deformed, norm-deviating, undesirable” and at the same time deals with the question “how does a specific society and epoch from their point of view expect or norm - and cultivating what is contrary to value, the inexpedient, the disturbed and the unproductive ..., ie being able to put oneself in an integral relationship with it "

His definition of behavioral disorder was downright illegal for curative education at the time: Kobi was of the opinion:

“A child can normally be disturbed by disturbed relationships and is thereby disturbed in its behavior in a disturbing way ('behaviorally disturbed'). Behavioral disturbance is thus an expression of normality. A child whose behavior is not (any longer) disturbed by disturbed relationships appears abnormal, behavior conformity is thus an expression of normopathy . Disturbance expressed in disturbing disturbance is a positive sign of changeability "

Until his retirement in September 1999, Kobi headed the Institute for Special Education and Psychology at the University of Basel:

“At this institute, Prof. Dr. Emil E. Kobi. The training of special class teachers, speech therapists, together with other technical schools such as the higher technical school for social affairs and gymnastics diploma school, was very important to him. Early curative education, integration, therapeutic diagnostics and motor training played an important role. Kobi's special fields of interest and research were above all anthropological and intercultural curative educational issues. "

In addition to his university activities, Kobi was also a scientific advisor and lecturer at the Institute for Learning Therapy . He also published numerous monographs and articles in specialist journals. Many of his scientific works received the greatest scientific attention and resonance and achieved very high editions. Probably his most important works were basic questions of curative education. An introduction to curative educational thinking , curative educational existence , curative education in outline , diagnostics in curative educational work as well as border crossings: curative education as politics, science and art .

Emil E. Kobi was with Regine Kobi, geb. Haffter, married. The couple had three children.

His scientific legacy is in the international archive for curative education of the professional and professional association curative education (BHP eV) .


  • Daydreaming in children and adolescents, Bern 1963
  • The dyslexic child, Solothurn 1967
  • Curative Education in Abriß, Munich 1977
  • Curative education as a challenge, Lucerne 1979
  • Basic questions of curative education. An introduction to curative educational thinking, Basel 1983
  • Curative educational existence, Lucerne 1988
  • Diagnostics in curative education, Lucerne 1990
  • On the secret eeriness of homes. Special educational reflections on the system of subsidiary residences, Lucerne 1994
  • Crossing borders: curative education as politics, science and art, Bern 2010


  • Emil E. Kobi in its importance for curative and special education. In: Swiss Journal for Curative Education. 2012, H. 1, pp. 6-47.
  • Konrad Bundschuh: Prof. Dr. Emil E. Kobi (1935–2011): Remembrance, Appreciation and Obituary. In: Swiss Journal for Curative Education. 2012, H. 1, pp. 11-13.
  • Johannes Gruntz-Stoll: "Curative education does not heal ...". Emil E. Kobi's handling of language - "... between there and there", in: Swiss magazine for curative education. 2012, no. 1, pp. 19-25
  • WvG: Remedial teacher Emil E. Kobi died, in: heilpaedagogik.de 2012 / H. 3, p. 27

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kobi 1979, p. 16
  2. Kobi 2100, p. 24
  3. ibid., P. 46
  4. ibid., P. 46; see. Gruntz-Stoll 2012, p. 20f
  5. Kobi 1994, p. 9
  6. Bundschuh 2012, p. 8