Emil Gersbach

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Emil Gersbach (born October 15, 1885 in Säckingen ; † June 24, 1963 there ) was a local researcher and collector from Baden .

Gersbach was originally a typesetter for the Säckinger Tagblatt . He dedicated almost his entire life to researching the history of his home region. He was in contact with researchers of his time, including visiting the excavations at Kesslerloch . In 1921 he became a volunteer district curator of the prehistoric and early historical antiquities in the district of Säckingen, his research area was in particular the Hotzenwald on the southern slope of the Black Forest. He put together an extensive prehistoric collection that was initially housed in the Gallus Tower and is now on display in the Hochrheinmuseum in Schönau Castle in Bad Säckingen. Since 1939 he was the full-time curator of this museum.

In 1952 he received the Cross of Merit (Steckkreuz) of the Federal Republic of Germany. His son is the prehistoric archaeologist Egon Gersbach .


  • Säckingen , Säckingen, Verlag d. Buchdr. u. Buchh. d. "Säckinger Tagblatt" 1921
  • The work of our messengers of faith in the light of prehistory , in: Annual reports of the Fricktalisch-Badische Vereinigung für Heimatkunde Volume 1, 1926, p. 17ff.
  • The Roman Säckingen , in: Evangelischer Gemeindebote Säckingen Jg. 5, 1928, No. 7, pp. 26–28
  • About prehistoric traces on the Sisslerfeld , in: Annual reports of the Fricktalisch-Badische Vereinigung für Heimatkunde Volume 3, 1928, p. 31ff.
  • Prehistoric finds on the Mumpfer Fluh , in: Annual reports of the Fricktalisch-Badische Vereinigung für Heimatkunde Volume 3, 1928, p. 30ff.
  • Stone Age finds from the Scheffelfelsen at Säckinger Bergsee , in: Annual reports of the Fricktalisch-Badische Vereinigung für Heimatkunde Volume 3, 1928 p. 81ff.
  • The man of the older Stone Age in the Fricktal , in: Annual reports of the Fricktalisch-Badische Vereinigung für Heimatkunde Volume 4, 1929, p. 26ff.
  • An old block wall on the Böhle near Säckingen , in: Annual reports of the Fricktalisch-Badische Vereinigung für Heimatkunde Volume 4, 1929, pp. 28ff.
  • Roman finds on the Swiss Rheinhalde opposite Säckingen , in: Annual reports of the Fricktalisch-Badische Vereinigung für Heimatkunde Volume 5, 1930, p. 123ff.
  • Stone Age finds from the Swiss Rheinhalde opposite Säckingen , in: Annual reports of the Fricktalisch-Badische Vereinigung für Heimatkunde Volume 5, 1930, p. 124ff.
  • Ice Age animal remains in Murger Loess , in: Annual reports of the Fricktalisch-Badische Vereinigung für Heimatkunde Volume 9, 1934, p. 23ff.
  • Hallstatt new finds in Säckingen , in: Annual reports of the Fricktalisch-Badische Vereinigung für Heimatkunde Volume 9, 1934, p. 21ff.
  • New geological findings from the Säckingen district , in: Annual reports of the Fricktalisch-Badische Vereinigung für Heimatkunde Volume 12, 1937, pp. 3ff.
  • From the Säckinger Heimatmuseum , in: Annual reports of the Fricktalisch-Badische Vereinigung für Heimatkunde Volume 12, 1937, p. 19 ff.
  • A new Roman villa near Murg , in: Annual reports of the Fricktalisch-Badische Vereinigung für Heimatkunde Volume 12, 1937, p. 4ff.
  • Alfred Joos to the memory , in: Annual reports of the Fricktalisch-Badische Vereinigung für Heimatkunde Volume 15, 1940, p. 29ff.
  • Stone Age research in the Fricktal , in: Annual reports of the Fricktalisch-Badische Vereinigung für Heimatkunde Volume 30, 1955, p. 49ff.


  • Rudolf Laur-Belart : Emil Gersbach , in: Ur-Schweiz 27, 1963, pp. 53–55 (with picture)
  • August Eckerle: Emil Gersbach , in Egon Gersbach: Urgeschichte des Hochrheins (finds and sites in the districts of Säckingen and Waldshut) (Badische Fund reports, special issue 11), Freiburg i. Br. 1968, pp. 5–6 (with picture) (the whole book contains for the most part finds by Emil Gersbach)
  • Jean-Marie Le Tensorer : Le Paléolithique en Suisse, Grenoble, Millon 1998, p. 134