Emili Vilalta i Vila

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Emili Vilalta i Vila (born September 13, 1867 in Barcelona ; † January 1930 (before January 10) there) was a Catalan composer, pianist and music teacher. He is assigned to the Catalan Pianist School.

life and work

Vilalta studied with Anselm Barba , Carles Vidiella and harmony with Enric Morera in Barcelona. He became a student of Isaac Albéniz and performed works for two pianos together with him in the Café Colón in Barcelona . Albéniz dedicated his work Sous le palmier, danse espagnole to him .

Vilalta devoted himself mainly to music lessons. Outstanding students were his sons Alexandre Vilalta i Faura , who later became a pianist, and the future violinist Emili Vilalta i Faura (1904–1974).

As a composer he had created some sardanas and instrumental music.


Web links

Individual references and comments

  1. The article is based on the article of the same name on the Catalan language Wikipedia.
  2. La Vanguardia. January 10, 1930. Emilio Vilalta Vila. (Obituary)
  3. a b c Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana. Emili Vilalta.
  4. ^ Emili Vilalta (Nekrolog) . In: La Música - Revista Musical Catalana . No. 314 . Barcelona February 1930, p. 95 .
  5. ^ Biblioteca Nacional de Espana: I. Albéniz: Chants d'Espagne. Op. 232. Retrieved June 18, 2019 (Spanish).
  6. ^ La Vanguardia: Emili Vilalta i Faura (obituary). January 31, 1974, Retrieved June 18, 2019 (Spanish).
  7. sarddanista.cat: Emili Vilalta i Vila. Retrieved June 18, 2019 (Catalan).

See also