Emilio Gagliardo

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Emilio Gagliardo (born November 5, 1930 in Genoa ; † August 15, 2008 ibid) was an Italian mathematician who dealt with analysis.

Gagliardo received his Laureate from the University of Genoa under Eugenio Togliatti in 1953 with a thesis in algebraic geometry (Sull'immagine affine delle curve algebriche piane). He then worked as an assistant in Genoa, where he turned to differential equations with Guido Stampacchia . In 1959 he completed his habilitation and spent time abroad with Nachman Aronszajn at the University of Kansas and with Jacques-Louis Lions in Nancy. After winning a competition, he became Professor of Analysis in Genoa in 1961, taught at the University of Oregon from 1968 to 1975 and from 1975 at the University of Pavia , where he retired in 1999.

He dealt in particular with parabolic partial differential equations , interpolation in Banach spaces and with Sobolev spaces . He also dealt with mathematical music theory and artificial intelligence .

In 1964 he received the Premio Caccioppoli .


  • Ulteriori proprietà di alcune classi di funzioni in più variabili, Ricerche Mat., 8, 1959, 24-52
  • Caratterizzazioni delle tracce sulla frontiera relative ad alcune classi di funzioni in n variabili, Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova, 27, 1957, 284-305
  • with Nachman Aronszajn: Interpolation spaces and interpolation methods, Ann. Mat. Pura Appl., 68, 1965, 51-117
