Encarnación Tabares Plasencia

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Encarnación Tabares Plasencia (* 1973 in San Bartolomé , Lanzarote ) is a Spanish lawyer, translator and linguist.

Since 2003 she has been teaching Ibero-Romance linguistics and translation studies at the Institute for Applied Linguistics and Translatology (IALT) at the University of Leipzig .

Life and professional history

From 1992 to 1997 she studied at the Faculty of Philology of the University of La Laguna Philology and graduated with the degree Licenciada en filología from (philology MA). The focus here was on Classical Philology and Hispanic Studies .

From 1997 to 2002 she studied at the law faculty of the same university and successfully completed this degree as a fully qualified lawyer. At the same time, she was doing her doctorate from 1998 to 2004 at the Institute for Hispanic Studies of the Philological Faculty of the University of La Laguna on the subject of El habla tradicional de la Gomera (The traditional language on La Gomera ). For her doctorate, Tabares Plasencia received the grade summa cum laude .

Since 2003 she has been teaching at the Institute for Applied Linguistics and Translatology at the University of Leipzig . In addition to teaching, she works as a freelance translator and publishes in the fields of linguistics , translation studies and law .

Tabares Plasencia is married and lives in Leipzig. She has a daughter.

Research priorities

Her main research interests are Spanish dialectology , lexicography and phraseology as well as Jewish Spanish , comparative linguistics and stylistics of technical languages , terminology and phraseology of legal language , relationships between language, literature and law as well as German-language travel literature about the Canary Islands .


International projects and research groups

  • Member of the research group: Can-Al (Canarias-Alemania) of the University of La Laguna (Spain) (since 2006).
  • Member of the research group: Estudio y enseñanza de discursos especializados y nuevas tecnologías of the University of Málaga.
  • Member of the project: Descripción funcional contrastiva de textos especializados en español, alemán y francés enfocada hacia la traducción (translation- oriented description of selected text types in the language pair Spanish-German) (with an extension to the language pair French-German) in cooperation with the University of Granada.
  • Member of the research group: Estudio y enseñanza de discursos especializados y nuevas tecnologías of the University of Málaga.
  • Member of the research center: Jewish Spanish at the University of Leipzig.
  • Member of the research group: Análisis semántico del lenguaje . Project leader: Marcial Morera Pérez (University of La Laguna).
  • Member of the research project: Estudio global de los gentilicios en la lengua española .
  • Member of the International Study and Training Partnerships (ISAP) program (Leipzig University - Concepción University (Chile) ).

Publications (selection)

Encarnación Tabares Plasencia has written numerous articles for German and Spanish language journals.

  • Literatura y Derecho en el Libro de buen amor. La fábula del lobo y la raposa . Seville: Editorial Doble J. (2005)
  • Islas Canarias. Cuadros de viaje (in collaboration with José Juan Batista Rodríguez). La Laguna: Centro de la Cultura Popular Canaria. (2006)
  • Vocabulario tradicional de La Gomera . Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Academia Canaria de la Lengua. 2 volumes. (2006)
  • Microfunctions in employment contracts. German-Spanish (in collaboration with Karin Vilar Sánchez, Mirjam Reischert, Elke Krüger and Vessela Ivanova), Bern: Peter Lang (publication on CD, 2007)
  • Translation via facienda. Festschrift for Christiane Nord on her 65th birthday (co- edited with Gerd Wotjak and Vessela Ivanova). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang (2009)
  • Tiempo, espacio y relaciones espacio-temporales en la fraseología y paremiología españolas (co- edited with Esteban Montoro del Arco and Carsten Sinner). Munich: Peniope (2012)

Individual evidence

  1. Encarnación Tabares Plasencia - información profesional . Personal blog at Wordpress.com. Retrieved September 2, 2014.
  2. Canarias-Alemania Grupo de investigación de la Universidad de La Laguna . Research group website. Retrieved September 10, 2014.
  3. GentiDB: Base de datos para gentilicios . Website of the GentiDB research project. Retrieved September 6, 2014.