Enrico Guastone Belcredi

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Enrico Guastone Belcredi (born August 9, 1907 in Turin , † January 13, 2002 in Golferenzo ) was an Italian diplomat .

He attended the Liceo classico Vincenzo Gioberti. In 1929 he completed a law degree and in 1930 a degree in political and administrative science at the University of Turin .


In 1932 he entered the foreign service and became Vice Consul in Ottawa , Detroit (1935–1936), Moscow (1936–1938), Buenos Aires (1939–1940), Santiago de Chile (1940–1943) and Tehran (1946–1950) .

In the winter of 1943/44 he left Rome in order to reach southern Italy and the Allies, reached Veroli and then remained locked for a few months by the regime of the Italian Social Republic in Settefrati in the Comunità Montana Valle di Comino , together with other career diplomats and liaison officers and the director Luchino Visconti .

From 1953 to 1954 he was employed by the North Atlantic Council .

From 1958 to 1962 he was ambassador to Beirut .

From 1962 to 1965 he was ambassador to Mogadishu .

From 1965 to 1969 he was ambassador to Mexico City .

From May to October 28, 1970 he was ambassador to Stockholm .

From 1971 until his retirement in 1972 he was ambassador to Tripoli .

He sat on the supervisory board of the construction company Astaldi .

Individual evidence

  1. April 23, 1965, Dott. Enrico GUASTONE BELCREDI, Ambasciatore d'Italia a Mogadiscio. [1]
  2. edited by G. Rossi, Italia-Libia. Storia di un dialogo mai interrotto, p. 217 [2]
predecessor Office successor
Adolfo Alessandrini Italian ambassador to Beirut
Antonio Mancini
Italian ambassador to Mogadishu
Mario Manca
Giovanni Vincenzo Soro Italian Ambassador to Mexico City
Luigi Bolla
Benedetto Capomazza di Campolattaro Italian Ambassador in Stockholm from
May to October 28, 1970
Luigi Valdettaro della Rocchetta
Mario Conti Italian ambassador to Tripoli
Gian Giacomo di Thiene