Enzo Traverso

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Enzo Traverso

Enzo Traverso (born October 14, 1957 in Gavi , Piedmont ) is an Italian historian and journalist who has lived and worked in Paris since the 1980s . He teaches as Professor of Political Science and Contemporary History at Cornell University in Ithaka, NY, USA, formerly at the University of Picardy in Amiens and at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris.


The author of central works on Auschwitz and modernity , exile , the intellectuals and the Holocaust as well as on Paul Celan , Theodor W. Adorno , Walter Benjamin , Siegfried Kracauer and others. a. is also a member of the la fabrique publishing collective .

In Germany, Enzo Traverso is not only known for his current works, but also for his lectures at the jour fixe initiative berlin (1998–2005), at whose events newer theses against the background of the question of the importance of Auschwitz for social criticism are public today to be discussed. In the summer semester of 2009, Enzo Traverso was a guest lecturer at the France Center of the Free University of Berlin .

Enzo Traverso was a member of the Trotskyist Ligue communiste révolutionnaire (LCR) and author of their publications Rouge and Critique Communiste .

Works (selection)

As an author

  • Les marxistes et la question juive. Histoire d'un débat, 1843-1943 . Brèche-Pec, Montreuil 1990, ISBN 2-902524-80-3 .
    • Translation: The Marxists and the Jewish Question. History of a Debate (1843–1943) (= Jewish Studies. Vol. 1). Decaton Mainz 1995, ISBN 3-929455-08-0 .
  • Les juifs et l'Allemagne. De la "symbiose judéo-allemande" à la mémoire d'Auschwitz . La Découverte, Paris 1992, ISBN 2-7071-2153-3 .
    • Translation: The Jews and Germany. Auschwitz and the “Jewish-German symbiosis” (= basic print. Vol. 12). Basisdruck, Berlin 1992, ISBN 3-86163-056-7 .
  • Pour une critique de la barbarie modern. Écrits sur l'histoire des Juifs et de l'antisémitisme. Page deux, Lausanne 1996; 2nd, improved edition 1997, ISBN 2-940189-02-1 .
  • L'Histoire déchirée. Essai on Auschwitz et les intellectuels. Cerf, Paris 1997, ISBN 2-204-05562-X (therein: Paul Celan et la poésie de la destruction ).
  • After Auschwitz. The left and coming to terms with the Nazi genocide . Translated by Paul B. Kleiser and Ulla Varchmin. ISP, Cologne 2000, ISBN 3-929008-22-X .
  • La violence nazie. Une généalogie européenne . La Fabrique, Paris 2002, ISBN 2-913372-14-7 .
    • Translation: Modernity and Violence. A European genealogy of Nazi terror . Translated by Paul B. Kleiser. ISP, Cologne 2003, ISBN 3-89900-106-0 .
  • A feu et à sang. De la guerre civile européenne 1914–1945. Stock, Paris 2007, ISBN 978-2-234-05918-4 .
    • Under the spell of violence. The European Civil War 1914–1945 . Translated by Michael Beyer. Siedler, Munich 2008, ISBN 3-88680-885-8 .
  • Instructions for use for the past. History, memory, politics . Unrast, Münster 2007, ISBN 978-3-89771-470-0 .
  • L'histoire comme champ de bataille. Interpréter les violences du XXe siècle. La Découverte, Paris 2012, ISBN 978-2-7071-7151-1 .
    • Translation: History as a battlefield. On the interpretation of violence in the 20th century. Translated by Paul B. Kleiser and Ulla Varchmin. ISP, Cologne 2014, ISBN 978-3-89900-143-3 .
  • La fin de la modernité juive. Histoire d'un tournant conservateur. La Découverte, Paris 2013, ISBN 978-2-7071-7546-5 .
    • Translation: The end of Jewish modernity. History of a conservative turn. Translated by Roland Horst. Laika Verlag, Hamburg 2017, ISBN 978-3-944233-59-8 .
  • The new faces of fascism. Post-fascism, identity politics, anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. Conversations with Régis Meyran, translated by Paul B. Kleiser. With a contribution by Stephan Lessenich to AfD, Neuer ISP Verlag, Cologne 2019, ISBN 978-3-89900-153-2 .
  • Left melancholy. About the strength of a hidden tradition . Translated from the French by Elfriede Müller. ISBN 978-3-89771-265-2 , Unrast 2019.
  • L'émigration des juifs allemands dans l'Itali fasciste. A propos d'un livre de Klaus Voigt . In: Bulletin trimestriel de la Fondation Auschwitz , Vol. 31 (1992), pp. 83-93, ISSN  0772-652X
  • Intellectuel à Auschwitz. Notes on Jean Améry et Primo Levi . In: Bulletin trimestriel de la Fondation Auschwitz , Vol. 36 (1993), pp. 97-111, ISSN  0772-652X
  • Les juifs et la culture allemande. Leproblemème des générations intellectuelles . In: Revue germaniques internationale , Vol. 5 (1996), pp. 15-30, ISSN  1253-7837
  • together with Michael Löwy : The Marxist Approach to the National Question. A criticism of the interpretation of Ephraim Nimni . In: Michael Löwy: Internationalism and Nationalism. Critical essays on Marxism and the “national question” . ISP, Cologne 1999, pp. 25-44, ISBN 3-929008-26-2 .
  • Socialism and nation. A Marxist controversy . In: Michael Löwy: Internationalism and Nationalism. Critical essays on Marxism and the “national question” . ISP, Cologne 1999, pp. 143-161, ISBN 3-929008-26-2 .
  • Rationality and barbarism . In: Mittelweg 36. Zeitschrift des HIS , Vol. 9 (2000), Issue 2, pp. 65-82, ISSN  0941-6382
  • To brush against the grain. The Holocaust and German-Jewish culture in exile . In: Totalitarian movements and political religions , Vol. 5 (2004), pp. 243-270, ISSN  1469-0764
  • A friendship in exile. The correspondence between Adorno and Benjamin . In: jour fixe initiative berlin (ed.): Fluchtlinien des Exils . Unrast, Münster 2004, pp. 55-88, ISBN 3-89771-431-0 .

As editor

  • Le totalitarisme. Le XXe siècle en débat (= Points. Vol. 442). Seuil, Paris 2001, ISBN 2-02-037857-4 .


  • Régis Meyran: Où sont passés les intellectuels? Conversations with Enzo Traverso . Édition Textuel, Paris 2013, ISBN 978-2-84597-457-9 .


Web links