Daniel Bensaïd

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Daniel Bensaïd, 2008

Daniel Bensaïd (born March 25, 1946 in Toulouse , † January 12, 2010 in Paris ) was one of the most famous personalities of the French student movement , an undogmatic Marxist philosopher and Trotskyist politician.


Daniel Bensaïd joined the youth organization Jeunesses Communistes in 1956 and later the PCF . In the 1960s he joined Trotskyist positions. For this reason, Bensaïd was expelled from the PCF in 1965 and joined the Jeunesse Communiste Révolutionnaire (JCR).

In 1968, Bensaïd, along with Daniel Cohn-Bendit and the later director of the newspaper Liberation , Serge July, was one of the best-known activists of the Mouvement du 22 mars at the University of Nanterre and the student revolt that began there, which resulted in a general strike and uprising-like conditions in the May 1968 flowed. After the end of the revolt and the ban on the JCR by the De Gaulle government , Bensaïd was briefly imprisoned since 1968 and was a member of the executive committee of the Ligue Communiste and the Ligue communiste révolutionnaire (LCR), which emerged from it in 1973 , and of which he was one of the most famous figures United Secretariat of the Fourth International .

Influenced by Marx , Trotsky , Walter Benjamin , Nietzsche and the French poet Charles Péguy , he worked mainly in the field of the history of philosophy. His most famous work, Les irréductibles , is a fundamental and much discussed critique of French postmodernism in its philosophical and political significance.

Daniel Bensaïd was Professor of Philosophy at the Paris University-VIII ( Saint-Denis ) and was considered one of the most important critical voices of the French left.

In 1996 he became infected with HIV . As a result, he fell ill with cancer in the last months of his life, which he eventually succumbed to.


His first book, Mai 68, une répétition générale ( Mai 68, a dress rehearsal ), which he wrote together with Henri Weber, was published in 1968 and dealt with the student movement of 1968. The following writings mostly deal with current developments in French politics . In 1989 he published Moi, la Révolution on the 200th anniversary of the French Revolution . This was followed by books on Walter Benjamin ( Walter Benjamin sentinelle messianique , 1990) and the character Jeanne d'Arc ( Jeanne De Guerre Lasse , 1991). In 1995 his most important theoretical work, Marx l'intempestif ( The untimely Marx ) appeared.

Fonts (selection)

  • May 68, une répétition générale (Maspero, 1968, together with Henri Weber )
  • Portugal, une Révolution en marche (Bourgois, 1975, together with Charles-André Udry and Michael Löwy )
  • La Révolution et le pouvoir (Stock, 1976)
  • L'Anti-Rocard, ou les haillions de l'utopie (La Brèche, 1979)
  • Parti et stratégie (La Brèche, 1987)
  • May si! 1968-1988, rebelles et repentis (La Brèche, 1988, together with Alain Krivine )
  • Les années de formation de la IVème Internationale (IIRE, 1988)
  • Moi, la Révolution (Gallimard, 1989)
  • Walter Benjamin sentinelle messianique (Plon, 1990)
  • La discordance des temps: essais sur les crises, les classes, l'histoire (Editions de la Passion, 1995)
  • Marx l'intempestif: Grandeurs et misres d'une aventure critique (Fayard, 1996)
  • Le pari melancolique (Fayard, 1997)
  • Le Retour de la question sociale (Page 2, 1997, together with Christophe Aguiton)
  • Leur gauche et la notre. Lionel, qu'as-tu fait de notre victoire? (Albin Michel, 1998)
  • Qui est le juge? (Fayard, 1999)
  • Contes et le gendes de la guerre ethique (Textuel, 1999)
  • Eloge de la resistance e l'air du temps (Textuel, 1999)
  • Le sourire du specter (Michalon, 2000)
  • Les irreductibles. (Textuel, 2001)
  • Resistances. Essai de taupologie générale. (Fayard, 2001)
  • Les Trotskysmes . (PUF, 2002)
  • Une lente impatience. Un ordre d'idées 2004. (Stock, 2004) ISBN 2-234-05659-4

Fonts in German translation

Web links

Commons : Daniel Bensaïd  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Tariq Ali: Daniel Bensaïd obituary - French philosopher and leading figure in the events of 1968 , guardian.co.uk, January 14, 2010; German translation: Sozialistische Zeitung (SoZ), February 2010