Epidaurus (mythology)
Epidaurus ( ancient Greek Ἐπίδαυρος ) or Epidaurus was the eponymous hero of the city of Epidaurus in Greek mythology .
The library of Apollodorus states that it is the son of Argos and Euadne . Pausanias says that in the Eoien of the poet Hesiod , Argos was also given as his father. However, this passage in the Eoien has not survived. The Argives would share this view. But the Eleans would name Pelops and the Epidaurs Apollo as their father. His siblings are Peiras , Kriasos and Ekbasos and after Pausanias still Phorbas and Tiryns . However, no descendants of Epidaurus have come down to us.
- Karl Tümpel : Epidauros 3. In: Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume VI, 1, Stuttgart 1907, column 51.
- August Schultz : Epidaurus . In: Wilhelm Heinrich Roscher (Hrsg.): Detailed lexicon of Greek and Roman mythology . Volume 1,1, Leipzig 1886, column 1281 ( digitized version ).