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Epikerdes from Cyrene ( Greek  Ἐπικέρδης , * 5th century BC) was an ancient patron .

The Greek speaker Demosthenes states in his "speech against Leptines " that Epikerdes supported the Athenian prisoners after the failure of the Sicilian expedition by sending them 100 mines and thus saving some of the Athenians from starvation. After the end of the war they got another 60 mines from him. As an inscription found on the Agora in Athens shows , he was granted the Ateleia privilege by the city of Athens, i.e. exempted from all usual taxes, which was a special form of honor in Athens.


Individual evidence

  1. Demosthenes Orationes 20, 41 - 42 .
  2. Inscriptiones Graecae I³ 113; 117; 125c .