Epitome Legum

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Epitome Legum ( Greek  Ἐπιτομὴ [τῶν νόμων] , Extract from the Laws') is a legal book from the early 10th century that has been handed down in various versions .

The oldest version is probably the epitome Laurentiana (Cod. Laur. 80.6) the next, which is divided into 50 titles, the title sequence of the nomos Procheiros corresponds and to "the first year Konstantinos, son of Leon" is dated ( 913 / 914 ). "In the first year of Romanos" ( 921 ) was then a comprehensive revision that also changed the title sequence. Author of both versions including the Prooimions probably said there Symbatios have been. The purpose of the legal code was to improve or expand the Procheiros nomos that served as the basis . The Corpus iuris civilis was the almost exclusive source of these additions . The handwritten tradition of the epitome is narrow. Karl Eduard Zachariae von Lingenthals Edition has the Cod. Oxon for titles 1–23. Bar. 173, for titles 24–45 the Cod. Vat. Gr. 2075 (which represents a different version).


  • Karl Eduard Zachariae von Lingenthal : Jus Graeco-Romanum , Leipzig, II, 1856, pp. 277–431, and VII, 1884, pp. 1–199 (Ndr. In: I. Zepos / P. Zepos: Jus Graecoromanum , Athens 1931 [Ndr. Aalen 1962], IV 276–585) (Edition of the entire text with introduction and indices)
  • Chr. M. Moulakis: Studies on Epitome Legum , Munich 1979
  • J. Maruhn: The title 50 of the epitome , in: Fontes minores III (1979), pp. 194-210
  • Andreas Schminck : Studies on Middle Byzantine Law Books , Frankfurt am Main 1986, pp. 109–131 (Edition and German translation of the Prooimions with commentary on the entire text)
  • Peter E. Pieler: Epitome legum . In: Lexicon of the Middle Ages (LexMA). Volume 3, Artemis & Winkler, Munich / Zurich 1986, ISBN 3-7608-8903-4 , Sp. 2075.
  • PE Pieler: Νομικὴ φιλολογία , in: Herbert Hunger : Βυζαντινὴ λογοτεχνία (Ἡ λόγια κοσμικὴ γραμματεία τῶν Βυζαντινῶν) , Athens 1994 (446)
  • SN Troianos : Οι πηγές του βυζαντινού δικαίου , 3rd edition, Athens / Komotini 2011, pp. 264–267 u.ö. (470)