Ercole Rosa

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Ercole Rosa (born February 13, 1846 in Rome , † October 12, 1893 there ) was an Italian sculptor .


Rosa's father, Antonio Rosa, earned a living for the family as a stonemason and by selling self-made crib figures made of terracotta , which Rosa helped to make. His mother's name was Blandina and was born Gabrielli. Both parents died early and he was sent to the Ospizio di San Michele , an orphanage in Rome. He stayed there until its dissolution in 1862, after which he worked for various sculptors. He was influenced by Vincenzo Vela . In 1867 he was a fellow campaigner of Giuseppe Garibaldi at Mentana . He was the teacher of Antonio Ugo and Juan Manuel Ferrari (1874-1916), a sculptor from Uruguay.


  • In 1879 Rosa was commissioned to create an equestrian statue of the first Italian king, Victor Emmanuel II , which was erected on June 24, 1896 on the Piazza del Duomo in Milan. The bronze statue shows the king on his horse during the Battle of San Martino , the bronze was cast by Ettore Ferrari . The base reliefs depict the entry of the French-Piedmontese troops into Milan after the Battle of Magenta. A total of 64 people can be seen on the bronze high reliefs, including Bersaglieri , French grenadiers , Zouaves and Turkos . On the left and right of the statue there is a lion made of marble.
  • In honor of two of the Cairoli brothers, Enrico and Giovanni, who died in the battle for Villa Glori in 1867, Rosa made a bronze in 1883, ten years after the first draft, which was placed on May 27 at the top of Viale di Gabriele D. 'Annunzio was set up in Rome.
  • In the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna there is a portrait of a young girl in bronze by Rosa.
  • In Vercelli there is another monument to Victor Emanuel II, which Ercole Villa created after Rosa's preparatory work.
  • Rosa made several smaller works in bronze and marble.


In both Rome, Macerata and San Severino Marche streets have been named after Rosa. In the latter, a bust of Rosas designed by Ettore Ferrari was erected in the piazza del Popolo in 1899 .


  • Primo Levi: Due scultori (Giuseppe Grandi ed Ercole Rosa), Rome 1896.
  • Ashton Rollins Willard: History of modern Italian art. New York / Bombay 1902, pp. 210-213. ( Text archive - Internet Archive ).
  • Rosa, Ercole . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General lexicon of fine artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 28 : Ramsden-Rosa . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1934, p. 597 .
  • Palma Bucarelli: Rosa, Ercole. In: Enciclopedia Italiana. 1936 ( ).
  • Francesco Sapori: Scultura italiana moderna. Rome 1949.
  • Stefano Susinno (Ed.): Ercole Rosa (1846-1893) opere restaurate: Gessi e terracotta provenienti dal fratello Sistilio Rosa, 1903. Rome 1981.
  • Thorsten Rodiek : The Monumento nazionale Vittorio Emanuele II in Rome. European University Theses Series 28 Art History Volume 30, P. Lang, Frankfurt / Main - New York - Paris 1983.
  • Vincenzo Vicario: Gli scultori italiani. Dal neoclassicismo al liberty, Lodi 1991.
  • Alfonso Panzetta: Nuovo dizionario degli scultori italiani dell'Ottocento e del primo Novecento. Turin 2003.
  • Francesco Franco: Rosa, Ercole. In: Raffaele Romanelli (ed.): Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani. Volume 88: Robusti – Roverella. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome 2017 ( ).

Web links

Commons : Ercole Rosa  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Catalog entry of the auction house Sotheby’s with reference to Panzetta 2003.
  2. ^ Ashton Rollins Willard: History of modern Italian art. 1902, 210.
  3. Juan Manuel Ferrari (1874-1916).
  4. Guida d'Italia - Milano. Milan 1998, p. 147.
  5. Catherine Bourrabier, Roma , 2005, p. 316.
  6. Figure .
  7. .