Erich Homburg

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Erich Homburg (born October 2, 1886 in Rosenthal in the Habelschwerdt district , province of Silesia , † July 4, 1954 in Wiesbaden ) was a German officer , most recently lieutenant general in the Air Force in World War II and bearer of the Pour le Mérite military order.


Homburg joined the Prussian Army before the beginning of the First World War. He fought in the war and switched to the air force. He has received several awards for his achievements. After the war he was released from military service. The following years he worked in civil aviation.

With the establishment of the German Wehrmacht, Homburg switched back to the newly established Luftwaffe. In 1942 he worked as commander of the Technical Brigade Mineral Oil (TBM) in the south of the Eastern Front behind the fighting troops, in order to immediately restart the Caucasian oil wells at Maikop , Grozny and Baku .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Bernd Lemke: Luftschutz in Great Britain and Germany 1923 to 1939 , 2005, p. 294. ( limited preview online at Google Book Search ).
  2. Dietrich Eichholtz: History of the German War Economy 1939–1945 , p. 483. ( limited preview online at Google Book Search ).