Erika Mottl

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Erika Mottl (born March 10, 1942 in Vienna ) is an Austrian actress.


Erika Mottl grew up in Lower Austria and moved to Vienna with her mother, who ran a crockery shop there. The father did not survive the Second World War. After graduating from high school in Vienna and studying dance, singing and acting, she made her debut in 1963 at the Vienna Volkstheater , where she initially received a one-year contract and then from 1966 to 2005, in the Henrik Ibsen play " Die Wildente " in the role of Hedwig.

She was at the Gutenstein Festival for years . Erika Mottl was married to the actor Herwig Seeböck from 1970 until his death , with whom she founded the “Seeböck Ensemble” and raised the children Ida and Jakob Seeböck .



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Individual evidence

  2. ^ Volkstheater Wien: Herwig Seeböck ( Memento of March 8, 2008 in the Internet Archive )