Karl Skraup Prize

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The Karl Skraup Prize was a theater prize that was awarded by the Volkstheater Vienna in cooperation with the Bank for Labor and Economy and Österreichische Postsparkasse AG (BAWAG) to outstanding ensemble members at the Vienna Volkstheater since 1967.

The Karl Skraup Prize was named in memory of the great Viennese folk actor Karl Skraup , who primarily played roles in Nestroy, Raimund and Anzengruber plays at the Vienna Volkstheater. The prize was awarded annually by an independent jury consisting of theater critics, journalists and cultural workers in four categories - best actor, director, set designer, young actor. The prize was endowed with a total of 9,000 euros, donated by BAWAG.

The Karl Skraup Prize was reallocated to the Dorothea Neff Prize in 2011 . The awarding of the first Dorothea Neff Prize took place on October 21, 2011 in the Volkstheater Vienna.

Karl Skraup Prize Winner

Best acting performance

Best director / set designer

Best offspring / supporting role

Audience award

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