Erwin Steinhauer

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Erwin Steinhauer (2010)

Erwin Steinhauer (born September 19, 1951 in Vienna ) is an Austrian actor and cabaret artist .


Steinhauer initially studied German and history, but decided in 1974 to dedicate himself to their passion, cabaret , with his friends Alfred Rubatschek , Erich Demmer and Wolfgang Teuschl ( Lukas Resetarits joined in 1975 ) . They founded the Keif cabaret . In 1977/78 Steinhauer played at the Viennese cabaret Simpl , 1979 at the Düsseldorfer Kom (m) ödchen , 1980 at the Theater der Courage in Vienna.

Solo programs followed, including Discharge (1982), Head Up (1983) (awarded the Salzburg Bull ), Café Plem-Plem (1984), Ganz im Ernst (1986), Alles Walzer (1988), Auf der Schaufel (1989) , Encore (1991).

Together with Heinz Marecek , he had great success with the double conferences by Karl Farkas and Fritz Grünbaum .

Steinhauer played in numerous film and television productions, from 2000 to 2018 he played the gendarme Simon Polt in Julian Pölsler's adaptations of the Polt crime series by Alfred Komarek .

Erwin Steinhauer is the father of three children. The youngest comes from the relationship with ORF TV director Kathrin Zechner . His son Matthias Franz Stein (* 1980) is also an actor.



Filmography (selection)

Radio plays (selection)

  • 1986: Helmuth Mößmer / Eberhard Petschinka : "Quo vadis, Pauli?" - A house peacock fights for equality (narrator) - Director: Robert Matejka (radio play comedy - SR / ORF)
  • 1990: Michael Köhlmeier : After Shave (Conferencier) - Director: Peter Klein / Edith-Ulla Gasser (ORF)
  • 1999: Wolf Haas : Resurrection of the Dead (Brenner) - Director: Götz Fritsch (detective radio play - ORF / WDR ) (ORF Radio Play Prize 1999)
  • 2000: Wolf Haas : The Bone Man (Brenner) - Director: Götz Fritsch (detective radio play - ORF / MDR ) (ORF Radio Play Prize 2000)
  • 2002: Wolf Haas : Come, sweet death (Brenner) - Director: Götz Fritsch (detective radio play - ORF / WDR)
  • 2005: Wolf Haas : Silentium! (Brenner) - Director: Götz Fritsch (detective radio play - ORF / BR )
  • 2006: Wolf Haas : The Eternal Life (Brenner) - Director: Götz Fritsch (crime radio play - ORF / BR) (ORF radio play award 2006)
  • 2007: Otto M. Zykan : Joseph Fouché (Napoleon) - Director: Georg Mittermayr (ORF)
  • 2010: Alissa Walser : In the beginning was the music (Court Secretary Paradis) - Director: Harald Krewer ( NDR / ORF)

Books by and about Erwin Steinhauer

  • Helmuth A. Niederle (Ed.): Café Plem Plem. 15 years of cabaret Erwin Steinhauer. Carl Uberreuter. Vienna 1990.
  • Erwin Steinhauer / Günther Schatzdorfer: Simple. Well. A culinary and cultural journey to Friuli and Trieste. Carinthia publishing house. Graz 2006.
  • Helmuth A. Niederle: Erwin Steinhauer. The biography. Molden publishing house. Vienna 2007.
  • Erwin Steinhauer / Georg Graf / Peter Rosmanith: HC Artmann: Dracula, Dracula. Sound book with 1 CD, Mandelbaum Verlag, Vienna 2008.
  • Erwin Steinhauer / Georg Graf / Joe Pinkl / Peter Rosmanith: HC Artmann: Flieger, greet me the sun. Sound book with 1 CD, Mandelbaum Verlag, Vienna 2012.
  • Erwin Steinhauer / Georg Graf / Pamelia Kurstin / Joe Pinkl / Peter Rosmanith: Karl Kraus: The last days of mankind. Sound book with 2 CDs, Mandelbaum Verlag, Vienna 2014.
  • Erwin Steinhauer, Fritz Schindlecker : Sissi, Stones and Sun King: Stories of Our Youth , Residenz Verlag, Salzburg / Vienna 2016, ISBN 978-3-7017-3382-8
  • Erwin Steinhauer, Fritz Schindlecker: We are great! The Austrian Psycherl Analysis , Ueberreuter Verlag, Vienna 2016, ISBN 978-3-8000-7654-3
  • Erwin Steinhauer, Fritz Schindlecker: Merry Christmas: A beautiful gift , Ueberreuter Verlag, Vienna 2017, ISBN 978-3-8000-7676-5
  • Erwin Steinhauer, Fritz Schindlecker: Revealed! Drinking pleasure and table joys , Ueberreuter Verlag, Vienna 2019, ISBN 978-3-8000-7732-8

Web links

Commons : Erwin Steinhauer  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Kurier: Erwin Steinhauer and Matthias Franz Stein in a double interview . Edition 25/2015, accessed on January 26, 2016.
  2. ORF: Erwin Steinhauer voted "Actor of the Year 2007" by the ORF radio play jury ( memento of the original from September 19, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Golden Merit Award for Steinhauer on ORF Vienna from May 31, 2010, accessed on May 31, 2010.
  4. Great Decoration of Honor for Erwin Steinhauer on ORF from February 16, 2017, accessed on February 16, 2017.
  5. Theater in the Joseph City: The Blue Angel
  6. ^ Theater in der Josefstadt: The shots from Sarajevo
  7. ^ Kammerspiele der Josefstadt: Father