Heaven, Polt and Hell

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Original title Heaven, Polt and Hell
Country of production Austria
original language German
Publishing year 2003
Director Julian Pölsler
script Julian Pölsler based on a template by Alfred Komarek
music Hans-Jürgen Buchner , Haindling
camera Fabian Eder
cut Ulrike Pahl

←  Predecessor
flowers for Polt

Successor  →
hen party

Heaven, Polt and Hell is an Austrian crime film from 2003. The film is based on the character of the gendarmerie inspector Simon Polt by the Austrian author Alfred Komarek .


While Inspector Polt and the teacher Karin become a couple and move in together, the pastor's cook from Wiesbachtal is poisoned with belladonna. The suspects include the passing gourmet critic Heinz Hafner, who once had a relationship with the cook and suddenly leaves, as well as the pastor and his sacristan . During his research, Polt discovers that the pastor's cook has had various loves within the village over the years and was an alcoholic.

Production and publication

The film was produced by Teamfilm in 2003 under the direction of Julian Pölsler . Julian Pölsler also wrote the screenplay based on the book by Alfred Komarek . The music was composed by Hans-Jürgen Buchner . The film was first broadcast on April 13, 2003 by ORF on Austrian television. Several repetitions at arte followed . The film was also released on DVD in 2006.


In 2003 Julian Pölsler was nominated for the 3sat audience award.

Individual evidence

  1. Heaven, Polt and Hell. In: Zelluloid.de. Archived from the original on March 4, 2016 ; accessed on August 19, 2018 .
  2. Heaven, Polt and Hell. In: TV wish list. Retrieved August 19, 2018 .
  3. Heaven, Polt and Hell. In: OFDb.de . Retrieved August 19, 2018 .

Web links