The fool of Vienna

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Original title The fool of Vienna
Country of production Austria
original language German
Publishing year 1982
Director John Goldschmidt
script Felix Mitterer
production Vienna film
music Friedrich Saathen
camera Ernest A. Vincze BSC,
Frederik Kaczek
cut Daniela Padalewsky ,
Charlotte Schwarz

The fool of Vienna , from the life of the poet Peter Altenberg , is an Austrian television film by ORF and ZDF based on a screenplay by Felix Mitterer from 1982 . Directed by John Goldschmidt .

Plot and locations

The action takes place in Vienna from 1912 to 1916. Altenberg, on the way home at night with dancing shuffling, then leaning against a wall again with lower back pain, then again doing gymnastics exercises with flight movements, he is approached by a police officer, Altenberg finally gives the police officer Health tips. In the People's Garden at Theseustempel singing Altenberg. Altenberg in his room in a Graben hotel , with a bottle of wine, smoking cigarettes, doing poetry, sleeping with the window open. In the Café Central , the Stammtisch of Karl Kraus , Altenberg this begs ten crowns, Egon Friedell , Alfred Polgar and Helga Malmberg happen. In Baron Mahr's salon, with Lina Loos . In the salon of a brothel . In the brothel room. In the city park with Helga Malmberg. At night in the cabaret Fledermaus Altenberg with Adolf Loos , on the stage Egon Friedell as Goethe in front of the Matura examination committee. Altenberg meets his brother Georg in the Post Office Savings Bank . Altenberg takes the negro girls Tioko and Bibi to the Burggarten in a single horse carriage , then goes to a church with them, Altenberg points to a tabernacle and says: God lives here !, then goes to Café Central with them, then lingers with the girls in Vienna's zoo , where a Negro village of the Ashantee negroes in Guinea takes place, with tribal dances, sales exhibition, goldsmith's work and carpets, lingers with the girls at the Heustadelwasser, Polgar laughs at Altenberg, who is standing in a toga at a sausage stand, Altenberg with the girls in the Prater on a ring game , then Altenberg in front of the chief's hut in the zoo, which is now being demolished again. Altenberg in Baron Mahr's salon with a baroness and five women at a samovar . Altenberg and Friedell at a sausage stand, eating a Veronese salami . In Café Central, Helga stepped in for Altenberg, wrote a review of a performance in the Apollotheater , which is published in his name, and because Altenberg is also too lazy, Helga has to bring the text to the editorial office. In the Burggarten, Altenberg, kneeling in front of Baroness Mahr, proposes marriage, she dismisses it, and gives him an x-ray of herself, her innermost one, so to speak. ...



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