Maria Englstorfer

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Maria Englstorfer (also known as Engelstorfer or Engelsdorfer ; * 1903 in Vienna's Neubau district ; † June 14, 1979 ) was an Austrian actress .


During her training at the drama academy, she worked in the Austrian tourist office . In 1932 she made her debut at the Neues Wiener Schauspielhaus , and from 1942 she appeared on stage in Klagenfurt . From 1945 to 1966 she was part of the regular ensemble of the St. Pölten City Theater . Leon Epp brought her to the Volkstheater Vienna in 1967 , where she worked until her death. For their achievements at the Vienna Volkstheater Maria Englstorfer was Karl-Skraup price 1975/76 , Category supporting role awarded.

Englstorfer, who also played on the Löwinger stage , made her breakthrough in Austrian film and TV productions in the last decade of her life. a. in television series such as Tatort , A real Viennese does not go under and in two episodes of the series Kottan determined (1976, 1979).

Maria Englstorfer was buried in the Baumgartner Friedhof (group 21, number 720) in Vienna.

Filmography (selection)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Also: June 15, 1979. - See: Maria Englstorfer died . In: Arbeiter-Zeitung . Vienna June 17, 1979, p. 14 , column 1 middle ( - the open online archive - digitized).