Commemorative badge inland sea Strijdkrachten

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Memorial badge in bronze
Thank you letter from Prince Bernhard

Herinneringsinsigne Binnenlandse Strijdkrachten 1944-1945 (also: Herinneringsinsigne Binnenlandsche Strijdkrachten 1944-1945 ; German  as " commemorative badge Dutch domestic - Armed Forces 1944-1945" ; unofficially called "Prins Bernhardi Signe"; German  "Prince Bernhard badge" ) is an initiative to Award donated by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (1911–2004) for the comrades-in-arms of the Nederlandse Binnenlandse Strijdkrachten (BS) ( German  for "Dutch domestic forces " ) shortly after the Second World War .

It is an oval bronze plaque  (picture) about 25 millimeters high and 20 millimeters wide. On the front there is a crowned "B" and the inscription BINNENLANDSCHE STRIJDKRACHTEN 1944–1945 . Prince Bernhard's signature can be seen on the back. The badge can be worn on the lapel of the jacket .

For members of the BS who died in combat , the gold commemorative badge was awarded posthumously to the family on behalf of the family.


The German-born Prince Bernhard was appointed commander of the newly established inland Strijdkrachten on September 5, 1944 . It was an officially formed association of the three most important Dutch resistance groups that fought united against the German occupation in the final phase (1944–1945) of the war .

The appointment was made by his mother-in-law, Queen Wilhelmina (1880–1962), against the opposition of the Allied commanders . Immediately after the end of the war , on his initiative, the commemorative badge was donated as thanks and recognition. It was awarded to all members of the BS together with the accompanying letter  (picture) .

“Bij het uittreden uit den actieven dienst
bij de Binnenlandsche Strijdkrachten, is het
mij een hoefte U slowly dezen weg mijn
Erkentelijkheid en mijn thanks uit te
spreken voor de toewijding en de
belangrijke diensten, wilted U ten behoeve
van ons land raises.
Ik hoop, dat U ook in de toekomst
met dezelfde toewijding Uwe diensten aan
het Nederlandsche folk ten nutte zult
kunnen maken.
Mijn best wensen voor Uw
verdere levensloop like U vergezelle.
Bernhard ”

“When I leave active service in the Home Forces, I feel the need to take this opportunity to express my appreciation and gratitude for the commitment and meaningful service that you have provided for the good of our country. I hope that with the same commitment you can continue to render your services for the benefit of the Dutch people in the future. May my best wishes for the future of your life accompany you. "

- Bernhard

Web links

Commons : Binnenlandse Strijdkrachten  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Onderscheidingen . at (Dutch) accessed on March 18, 2019.
  2. Traces of War . (English) accessed on March 18, 2019.
  3. ^ Museum Rotterdam . (Dutch) Retrieved March 15, 2019.