Erionema aureum

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Erionema aureum
without rank: Amoebozoa
without rank: Myxogastria
Order : Physarida
Family : Physaridae
Genre : Erionema
Type : Erionema aureum
Scientific name of the  genus
Scientific name of the  species
Erionema aureum

Erionema aureum is a Schleimpilzart from the order of physarales and the only species of the genus Erionema . It is only known from finds from Asia and South America.


The four to six centimeters long fruit bodies are yellow or gray-yellow. They are plasmodiocarps , their sporocarps hang from the substrate on simple, branched or usually three-dimensionally interlinked, slender stems, rarely they are sessile. The single-layer peridium is granularly covered with lime.

The scalp expands to maturity time to multiples of its original length of elastic. It is networked, colorless and rarely has calcareous knots. The spores are black in bulk. They are smooth on the surface, measuring 5 to 6 micrometers.


Erionema aureum is known from Asia (from China via India, Southeast Asia, Indonesia and Japan), Australia, New Zealand, as well as a single find from South America ( Venezuela ). The Venezuelan find, however, differs in some features (capillitium, spore color) from the normal appearance of the species.

Systematics and research history

Genus and species were in 1898 by Albert Julius Otto Penzig based one collection contained in Java first described . It is considered to be related to the genus Physarum , especially the species Physarum famintzinii .


Footnotes directly behind a statement cover the individual statement, footnotes directly behind a punctuation mark the entire preceding sentence. Footnotes after a space refer to the entire preceding text.

  1. ^ A b c Thomas H. Macbride: The North American slime-molds , New York, Macmillan Co., 1899.
  2. a b c d Hermann Neubert, Wolfgang Nowotny, Karlheinz Baumann, Heidi Marx: The Myxomycetes of Germany and the neighboring Alpine region with special consideration of Austria. Vol. 2, Karlheinz Baumann Verlag, Gomaringen 2000, ISBN 3-929822-01-6 , p. 326.
  3. ^ A b c Marie L. Farr: Myxomycetes . In: Flora Neotropica . tape 16 . The New York Botanical Garden, New York 1976, ISBN 0-89327-009-1 , pp. 107 .