Ernest Chantre

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Ernest Chantre

Ernest Chantre (born January 13, 1843 in Lyon , † November 24, 1924 in Écully ) was a French archaeologist , paleontologist , anthropologist and geologist .


He was a professor at the Faculté des Sciences in Lyon, where he introduced the teaching of anthropology in 1881 and ethnology in 1892 and also taught geography, and since 1877 he was vice director of the Museum of Natural History in Lyon under Louis Lortet . On behalf of the museum, he undertook research trips to, for example, Armenia, the Crimea, the Caucasus and Anatolia, Tunisia, Algeria and Egypt. In 1893/94 he carried out the first excavations in the Hittite capital Hattuša ( Boğazköy ), where he was the first to find clay tablets in a then unknown language and to take the first photographs. As he was suspected of favoring the Armenians and because of a cholera epidemic, the excavation had to be stopped.

With Albert Falsan he published on the traces of the Ice Age glaciation in the Rhone Valley (1879/80) and with Lortet on the Quaternary and Tertiary mammal fauna in the Rhone Valley and on mummified animals in Egypt. With the archaeologist Claudius Savoye (1856-1908) he published a paleoethnological map of the Saône-et-Loire department in 1902 .

From 1845 he was a member of the Académie des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Lyon and from 1877 the Académie de Savoie . From 1873 to 1888 he was editor of the journal Matériaux pour l'Histoire primitive et naturelle de l'Homme . He founded the Rhodania Society of Archaeologists in the Rhone Valley, the Lyons Anthropological Society and was a founding member of the Lyons Geographic Society. In 1904 he was one of the founding members of the Société préhistorique française. In 1922 he became a corresponding member of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres .

He was an officer of the Legion of Honor and Officier de l'Instruction publique.

Web links

Commons : Ernest Chantre  - Collection of Images


  1. Gernot Wilhelm: To the beginnings of Hittite research , Portal Hetithologie Mainz, 2013