Ernest Besnier

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Ernest Besnier

Ernest Henri Besnier (born April 21, 1831 in Honfleur , Normandy , France , † May 15, 1909 in Paris ) was a French dermatologist and medical director of the Hôpital St. Louis in Paris.


Besnier studied with Pierre Antoine Ernest Bazin (1807–1878) in Paris and received his doctorate in 1857. After working at various hospitals in Paris, he became chief physician at the St. Louis Hospital from 1872 to 1896, where he mainly dealt with dermatology and set up a tissue science ( histological ) laboratory.


Here he introduced histopathology and parasitology to the clinic and invented the technique of biopsy , which was generally introduced in 1896 and used to diagnose diseases and which he published in 1895 after a liver biopsy. In 1889 he first described the chronic skin changes caused by sarcoid (also called Besnier-Boeck-Schaumann disease ) and coined the term lupus pernio for it . As early as 1876, he extensively described the appearance of rheumatism .

In 1892 Besnier described atopic eczema as an eczema disease associated with itching ( dermatitis multiformis prurignosa ). Therefore, the disease was also referred to as Prurigo Besnier until the 20th century . He first recognized the connection between atopic eczema and asthma and hay fever, described itching as the main symptom and recognized the variety of skin changes.

Together with Pierre Adolphe Adrien Doyon (1827–1907) he founded the journal Annales de Dermatologie et de Syphiligraphie in 1869 .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Besnier: Lupus pernio de la face; synovites fongueuses (scrofulo-tuberculeuses) symmétriques des extrémités supérieures. In: Ann. dermat. syph. (Paris) 1889, pp. 333-336.
  2. Besnier: RHUMATISME. Paris 1876.
  3. ^ Besnier: Première note et observations préliminaires pour servir d'introduction à l'étude des prurigos diathésiques. In: Ann. dermat. syph. (Paris) 1892, pp. 634-648.
  4. Johannes Ring : Handbook of atopic eczema. Chapter 2: The History of Atopic Eczema / Dermatitis Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg / New York 2006, ISBN 3-540-23133-1