Ernesto Buonaiuti

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Ernesto Buonaiuti (born April 24, 1881 in Rome ; † April 20, 1946 there ) was a Catholic theologian , he is considered the most important representative of Italian modernism .


Ernesto Buonaiuti studied from 1895 to 1903 at the seminary of Sant'Apollinare in his hometown Rome, in recent years together with Angelo Roncalli, who later became Pope John XXIII. He was ordained a priest on December 19, 1903. In 1904, at the age of 23, he was appointed Professor of Church History at the Roman Seminary of Sant'Apollinare to succeed Umberto Benigni . His unconditional search for truth also made him read the writings of authors who were frowned upon in the theological training of the time. With this, Ernesto Buonaiuti also influenced the young Angelo Roncalli. Perhaps one can see it as a motif for his later program of the “Aggiornamento”.


At the age of only 24, Ernesto Buonaiuti founded the journal Rivista storico-critica delle scienze teologiche . His article Filosofia dell 'Azione about Maurice Blondel and his main work L'Action , published in their first year, led to a sharp response in the magazine Civiltà Cattolica , whose author, Enrico Rosa SJ, accused him of modernist tendencies. The encyclical Pieni l'animo , issued by Pope Pius X in 1906 , also targeted Buonaiuti without naming him. Buonaiuti defended the concerns of the modernists in two anonymously published articles: in the book Il programma dei modernisti - Risposta all 'Enciclica di Pio X Pascendi Dominici gregis ("The program of the modernists - answer to the encyclical of Pius' X. Pascendi Dominici gregis ", 1907, written jointly by several theologians and immediately condemned by the papal) and in the essay Lettere di un prete-modernista ("Letters of a Modernist Priest", 1908). In 1910 he had to discontinue his Rivista storico-critica delle scienze teologiche . His follow-up journal, Rivista di scienza delle religione , first published in 1915, was added to the index the following year . In the face of increasing attacks on his theology, Buonaiuti had already changed university in 1915 and accepted the chair for the history of Christianity at the State University of La Sapienza in Rome.


His publication of Le esperienze fondamentali di Paolo ("The fundamental experiences of Paul") led to the first excommunication in 1921 . In the same year, thanks to the intercession of Cardinal Pietro Gasparri, he was rehabilitated . The renewed excommunication took place in 1924 after the publication of his book Verso la luce ("After the Light") and despite a request in 1926 to Pope Pius XI. the excommunication was finally confirmed by the Holy Office on January 25, 1925 . During the times of Italian fascism , he refused the oath of allegiance in 1932 and thereby lost his teaching post. He therefore moved to Lausanne and was a visiting professor from 1935 to 1939, and was very active politically from 1944 to 1946.

Works (selection)

  • History of Christianity. 2 vols., Ed. v. Hans Markun, Francke, Bern 1948 and 1957. Original: Storia del cristianesimo. 1942-46.
  • The excommunicated church. Ed. U. a. v. Ernst Benz , Rhein-Verlag, Zurich 1966 (Benz was a Protestant theologian whose interest in theology and in particular church history was awakened by Ernesto Buonaiuti) - In this work, Buonaiuti opens up a new view of the overall development of Christian spirituality and the way it is renewed today.
  • In his autobiography Il pellegrino di Roma (“The Pilgrim of Rome”, 1945), Buonaiuti again processed the story of his conflict with the Catholic Church.

See also


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ludwig Kaufmann: Johannes XXIII. or belief in God's good today . In: ders .: So that we can be Christians tomorrow. Forerunners in faith . Herder Verlag, Freiburg 1984. ISBN 3-451-20264-6 . Pp. 11-48. In it pp. 23–28: Roncalli and Buonaiuti.
  2. Annibale Zambarbieri: II cattolicesimo tra crisi e rinnovamento. Ernesto Buonaiuti ed Enrico Rosa nella prima fase della polemica modernista , Brescia 1979.
  3. Acta Sanctae Sedis, vol. XL (1907), p. 720
  4. ^ Helmut Goetz, Valdo Vinay: Buonaiuti . In: Theologische Realenzyklopädie , Vol. 7, Berlin 1981. ISBN 3-11-013898-0 . Pp. 419-424.
  5. Acta Apostolicae Sedis , Vol. VIII (1916), p. 178.