Ernesto Meléndez

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Ernesto Meléndez

Ernesto Meléndez Bachs (born June 27, 1939 in Barcelona , Spain , † February 22, 2010 ) was a Cuban revolutionary , diplomat and politician .


After the end of the Cuban Revolution on January 1, 1959, Meléndez, who was a member of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) , became a member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs . In the following years he increasingly assumed leading positions there and was at the same time co-founder of the National Revolutionary Militias (Milicias Nacionales Revolucionarias), the Association of Young Rebels (Asociación de Jóvenes Rebeldes) and the committees for the defense of the revolution ( Comités de Defensa de la Revolución ).

As early as 1965 he was appointed ambassador and as such was not only in responsible positions in the State Committee for Economic Cooperation ( Comité Estatal de Colaboración Económica ), but also with the Prime Minister and in the ministries for foreign investment ( Ministro de la Inversión Extranjera ) and economic cooperation ( Ministro de la Colaboración Económica ).

As ambassador, he has meanwhile represented Cuba's interests in Bulgaria , Czechoslovakia and Japan . In addition, after obtaining a degree in economics in 1978, he was also Vice-Rector of the Institute for International Relations " Raúl Roa García ".

From 2006 until his death he was ambassador to Sweden and, as such, also accredited to Iceland .

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