Ernesto Monaci

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Ernesto Monaci (born February 20, 1844 in Soriano nel Cimino , † May 1, 1918 in Rome ) was an Italian Romanist , Italianist and Medievalist .

life and work

Monaci [accent on the first syllable] came to Romance studies through his teacher Paolo Pultrini, as well as reading Frédéric Ozanam and Friedrich Diez . He studied law in Rome, graduated in 1865 and worked as a lawyer. From 1868 he devoted himself exclusively to Romance philology and came into contact with Karl Bartsch and Edmund Stengel in Rome . From 1874 to 1918 he taught the history of Romance languages ​​and literatures at the University of La Sapienza (from 1877 as associate professor, from 1881 as full professor, from 1885 to 1886 as rector of the university). He was in contact with all the greats in his field around the world and, as the founder of societies and magazines, as well as an editor, he had a considerable influence on the development of Italian Romance studies, not least through pioneering editions.

Monaci founded the journal Rivista di filologia romanza in 1872 with Luigi Manzoni (1844–1905) and Edmund Stengel (from 1878 to 1883 ud T. Giornale di filologia romanza with Monaci as sole publisher, from 1885 to 1903 ud T. Studj di filologia romanza , from 1899 edited with Cesare De Lollis ), and from 1903 to 1917 ud T. Studj romanzi (from 1901 in the care of the Società Filologica Romana founded by Monaci). In 1876 he was a co-founder of the Società romana di storia patria. In 1882 he also founded the palaeographic table work Archivio paleografico italiano and published it until his death. In 1883, on his initiative, the Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo was brought into being (until 1933 ud T. Istituto storico italiano).

From 1883 Monaci was a member of the Accademia dei Lincei . In 1901 he was elected a corresponding member of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences . From 1895 to 1902 he was a city councilor for the city of Rome. A street in Rome is named after him.


  • (Ed.) Canti antichi portoghesi tratti dal codice vaticano 4803, con traduzione e note , Imola 1873
  • Appunti per la storia del teatro italiano , Imola 1874
  • (Ed.) Il Canzoniere Portoghese della Bibliotheca Vaticana , Halle a. P. 1875
  • (Ed. With Enrico Molteni) Il canzoniere chigiano , Bologna 1877
  • (Ed.) Il Mistero provenenzale di S. Agnese , Rome 1880
  • (Ed.) Facsimili di antichi manoscritti per uso delle scuole di Filologia neolatina , Roma 1881-1892
  • (Ed.) Gesta di Federico I in Italia , Rome 1887
  • (Ed.) Testi antichi provenzali , Roma 1889
  • Crestomazia italiana dei primi secoli , Città di Castello 1889-1912, 1912; 1955 (preface by Alfredo Schiaffini )
  • I più antichi monumenti della lingua francese , Roma 1894
  • Appunti bibliografici sui principali fonti per la storia della letteratura provenzale nel medio evo , Città di Castello 1914


  • Scritti vari di filologia , Rome 1901 (commemorative publication for 25 years of teaching 1876-1901)
  • Pio Rajna , “In memoria di Ernesto Monaci”, in: Archivio della R. Società Romana di Storia Patria 41, 1918, pp. 307-352
  • Ernesto Monaci. L'uomo. Il maestro. Il filologo , Rome 1920 (by the Società Filologica Romana)
  • I dialetti di Roma e del Lazio. Studi e documenti pubblicati in memoria di Ernesto Monaci sotto il patrocinio del Comune di Roma , Rome 1920
  • Ruggero M. Ruggieri, "Ernesto Monaci", in: Letteratura italiana. I critici. 1 , Milan 1987, pp. 575-594
  • Gabriella Macciocca, “Monaci, Ernesto”, in: Letteratura italiana. Gli autori. 1 , Turin 1991, pp. 1207-128
  • Carteggio D'Ancona. 12, D'Ancona-Monaci , ed. by Sandra Covino, 2 vols., Pisa 1997
  • Domenico Proietti:  MONACI, Ernesto. In: Mario Caravale (ed.): Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI). Volume 75:  Miranda – Montano. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome 2011.
  • Amedeo Benedetti, Contributo alla vita di Ernesto Monaci, in: Esperienze Letterarie 37, 2012, 3, pp. 55–81.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Holger Krahnke: The members of the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen 1751-2001 (= Treatises of the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen, Philological-Historical Class. Volume 3, Vol. 246 = Treatises of the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen, Mathematical-Physical Class. Episode 3, vol. 50). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2001, ISBN 3-525-82516-1 , p. 171.