Ernst Behre

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Ernst Behre (born December 5, 1869 in Stemmen; died November 5, 1934 in Hanover ) was a German educator , headmaster and local authority .


Behre headed the elementary school in the village of Ahlem near Hanover as principal from around 1900 . He also worked as an accounting officer and as a registrar for the Ahlem community .


  • Dwindling jobs , in Ernst Bock (Ed.): A home book of the old Linden district. Legends, customs and miscellaneous , 2nd edition, Hanover: Geibel, 1916:
    • The nail smith , p. 204
    • The linen weaver , p. 205


After Bähres death, the street Am Steinfelde , originally named after the field name, was laid in Ahlem west of Richard-Lattorf-Straße in about 1935 , while the path that bends to the north was initially named Im Winkel due to its shape . In 1978 both streets were renamed after the former head of the Ahlem primary school.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Helmut Zimmermann : Ernst-Behre-Straße , in ders .: The street names of the state capital Hanover . Verlag Hahnsche Buchhandlung, Hannover 1992, ISBN 3-7752-6120-6 , p. 73
  2. a b Information and cross-references in the catalog of the German National Library