Ernst Friedrich Justus von Heimreich

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Ernst Friedrich Justus Heimreich

Ernst Friedrich Justus Heimreich , since 1737 Ernst Friedrich Justus Heimreich Edler von Heimenthal (born August 29, 1701 in Eisenach ; † 1760 ) was a German physician, councilor, legation councilor and diplomat.


Ernst Friedrich Justus Heimreich was a son of the medical doctor Johann Heimreich (1676–1730) and the godchild of Ernst Salomon Cyprian . He studied medicine, history and law and was awarded a Dr. med. PhD. Heimreich became a general practitioner in 1725, worked as a doctor and city physician in Schalkau and in 1730 succeeded his father as Coburgisch-Meiningischer Hofmedicus. He was the editor of the magazine "Fränckische Acta", which was later published by Jakob Wilhelm Feuerlein . From 1735 he was in Vienna, where he was appointed imperial count palatine and served as court and legation councilor. Ernst Friedrich Justus Heimreich was raised to the nobility on May 31, 1737 as Ernst Friedrich Justus Heimreich Edler von Heimenthal.

On November 12, 1725 Ernst Friedrich Justus Heimreich was given the academic surname Arion III. elected a member ( matriculation number 383 ) of the Leopoldina and on December 4, 1728 he became an external member of the Royal Prussian Society of Sciences .

Letters to the theologian Ernst Salomon Cyprian, the travel writer Zacharias Konrad von Uffenbach and the Würzburg prince-bishop Christoph Franz von Hutten have survived from his correspondence .


as an author
  • de pimpinella alba . Dissertation Inaugurale Medica, Meyer, Altdorf 1723 ( digitized version )
  • The beautiful fountain, blessed by GOD, with excellent sources for adornment and benefit, reaching countries for ornament and benefit, sprung from many Seculis, wanted salvation by the most revered. Rom. Empire Prince and Lord, Lord Friderici Caroli, Bishop of Bamberg and Würtzburg .. . Hagens, Coburg 1746 ( digitized version )
as editor
  • Franconian Acta erudita et curiosa. The story of d. Scholars in Francken, also other Curiosa and others that occurred in this Crayß Keeping merchandise in itself . Endter, Nuremberg 1726 ( digitized version )


  • Johann Daniel Ferdinand Neigebaur : History of the imperial Leopoldino-Carolinische German academy of natural scientists during the second century of its existence. Friedrich Frommann, Jena 1860, p. 210 ( ).
  • Willi Ule : History of the Imperial Leopoldine-Carolinian German Academy of Natural Scientists during the years 1852–1887 . With a look back at the earlier times of its existence. Commissioned by Wilhelm Engelmann in Leipzig, Halle 1889, supplements and additions to Neigebaur's history, p. 156 ( ).

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