Ernst Friedrich von Ebersberg

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Ernst Friedrich von Ebersberg ; also Ernst Friedrich von Ebersberg called von Weyhers and Ernst Friedrich von Ebersberg called von Weyhers and Leyen (* 1687; † 1762) was Kurmainzer chamberlain and colonel. After his marriage, he developed extensive construction activities in Gersfeld .


Ernst Friedrich was a colonel and treasurer in the service of the Electorate of Mainz. He married the heiress Anna Philipina Amalia von Leyen , daughter of Baron Johann Eberhard von Leyen.

With the fortune inherited from his wife and the proceeds from the sale of the place of jurisdiction Lütter vor der Hard, which has been family-owned since the Middle Ages (consisting of the towns of Weyhers , Ebersberg with the eponymous Oberlütter, Lütter and a few more) to the Hochstift Fulda in the amount of He renovated the old castles in Gersfeld for 85,000 guilders and built the Lower Castle there in 1740 . By the marriage he received in 1733 a share of the Ganerbschaften Bechtolsheim and Mommenheim . He was raised to the status of imperial baron in 1734 with the addition of the name and coat of arms of his father-in-law .

Hugo Joseph Carl von Ebersberg (1724–1755), a son of Ernst Friedrich, converted to the Catholic faith in the 1740s before he married Isabella von Bibra . Around this time the entire Ebersberg line “Gersfeld Unteres Schloss” including Ernst Friedrich converted back to the Catholic Church, after they had been Lutheran for about 200 years since Ottheinrich von Ebersberg . Ernst Friedrich had the garden hall of the lower castle expanded into a chapel and in this church services for his family and their employees were held by a Benedictine from Fulda . From 1752 a permanently employed chaplain took over the pastoral care of the slowly expanding Catholic community.

Children (incomplete)

Individual evidence

  1. a b Fritz Luckhard : The Ebersberger called von Weyher's property in Fuldaer Geschichtsverein: Fuldaer Geschichtsblätter , 1957, No. 11/12, p. 168
  2. ^ A b Gerhard Köbler : Historisches Lexikon der Deutschen Länder , CH Beck, 2007, p. 153
  3. Catholic parish "Mariä Himmelfahrt": Festschrift for the 150th anniversary of the church building , Gersfeld (Rhön), available online in 1991 as "Detailed Chronicle of the Parish Gersfeld.pdf" (pdf)