Fritz Luckhard

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Friedrich Theodor Luckhard (born August 21, 1878 , † August 24, 1965 in Weyhers ) was a German director of studies and local researcher .


Luckhard was the son of the postman Carl Friedrich August Ludwig Luckhard and his wife Marie Dorothea, née Stolzenbach. His mother died when he was twelve years old and he was then placed with relatives in Homberg / Efze . There he attended the Progymnasium and then obtained his university entrance qualification in 1899 at the Wilhelmsgymnasium Kassel . He studied classical philology in Giessen, Bonn and Berlin. After passing the state examination , he completed his legal clerkship in Koblenz and Saarbrücken. In 1907 he was appointed Royal Prussian Senior Teacher and then taught Latin, Greek and history at the Goetheschule Wetzlar . During this time he received his doctorate on February 20, 1914 with de, subject "The private house in Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt" at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Bonn as a doctor of philosophy.

In the First World War he took part in the artillery as a lieutenant in the reserve . Because of an injury he sustained in Flanders, his right hand remained stiff for the life of his life.

Later he was employed at the Kassel Wilhelmsgymnasium from 1924 as director of studies. From 1928 he headed the Friedrichsgymnasium (also in Kassel) with the rank of senior director until his retirement in 1943. His apartment in Kassel had been destroyed by air raids and in 1943 he moved to Weyhers ( district of Fulda ). In 1944 he worked there as a substitute teacher for another two months due to the war.

Luckhard had been married to the daughter of his superior director at his former job in Wetzlar since 1913. He had two sons. The first was born in 1914 and died in 1936 with the rank of lieutenant in the Air Force in an aircraft accident on the Baltic coast. The second was born in 1932, first studied mechanical engineering and then from 1958 on to the newly founded Bundeswehr. When he retired, he was a lieutenant colonel and head of the Hammelburg military training area . He died in 2009.


Since 1907 Luckhard was a member of the National Liberal Party and after the First World War of the German People's Party as its successor organization. Dissatisfied with the situation in the Weimar Republic , he became a member of the NSDAP in 1932 . He worked on a voluntary basis in the cultural department of the Gau and held the post of Gastellenleiter in the National Socialist Teachers' Association. Because he continued the equal treatment and promotion of Jewish students and because of disagreements due to National Socialist clan research, he was expelled from the NSDAP in 1938 and lost his party offices.

Due to his early entry into the party and his party offices, Luckhard was interned for almost two years from 1945 to 1947 . In 1949, he was classified as a fellow traveler in the arbitration chamber proceedings and received his pension again.

Local history

In retirement, Luckhard devoted himself to local history. He researched especially around the noble family of those von Ebersberg . In particular in the archives of those of Waldthausen in Gersfeld and those of Montjoie-Froberg in Vienna, which had taken over their properties after the male line of the Ebersberg noble family died out.

From 1956 to 1958 he carried out excavations on the Ebersburg with Gotthold Wagner . He also researched the history of the moated castle in Weyhers . Even half a century after his death, his results are another important basis for further research. His estate is in the holdings of the Fulda State Library.

Fonts (selection)

  • Family studies for the entire Hessian youth. National-Verlag Westfalia, Dortmund around 1935.
  • The regests of the Lords of Ebersberg called von Weyhers in the Rhön (1170–1518) (= publication of the Fuldaer Geschichtsverein. Vol. 40, ZDB -ID 517272-x ). Parzeller, Fulda 1963.


  • Rainer Erdmann: Weyhers ... our village. History and present of a village. Focus on the 19th and 20th centuries. Ebersburg Municipality, Ebersburg 2012, pp. 512-514.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Life data from: Otto Renkhoff : Nassauische Biographie. Short biographies from 13 centuries (= publications of the Historical Commission for Nassau. Vol. 39). 2nd, completely revised and expanded edition. Historical Commission for Nassau, Wiesbaden 1992, ISBN 3-922244-90-4 , p. 481.
  2. Monumenta Germaniae Historica
  3. Overview of the bequests at HLB Fulda ( Memento of the original from November 29, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /