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coat of arms Germany map
Coat of arms of the local community Bechtolsheim
Map of Germany, position of the municipality Bechtolsheim highlighted

Coordinates: 49 ° 48 '  N , 8 ° 12'  E

Basic data
State : Rhineland-Palatinate
County : Alzey-Worms
Association municipality : Alzey Land
Height : 150 m above sea level NHN
Area : 10.66 km 2
Residents: 1728 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 162 inhabitants per km 2
Postal code : 55234
Area code : 06733
License plate : AZ
Community key : 07 3 31 007
Association administration address: Weinrufstrasse 38
55232 Alzey
Website :
Local Mayor : Dieter Mann ( CDU )
Location of the local community of Bechtolsheim in the Alzey-Worms district
Gimbsheim Hamm am Rhein Eich (Rheinhessen) Alsheim Mettenheim Osthofen Bechtheim Dittelsheim-Heßloch Frettenheim Westhofen Monzernheim Gundheim Bermersheim Gundersheim Hangen-Weisheim Hochborn Offstein Hohen-Sülzen Monsheim Wachenheim (Pfrimm) Mölsheim Flörsheim-Dalsheim Mörstadt Wendelsheim Stein-Bockenheim Wonsheim Wonsheim Siefersheim Wöllstein Gau-Bickelheim Gumbsheim Eckelsheim Gau-Weinheim Vendersheim Wallertheim Partenheim Saulheim Udenheim Schornsheim Gabsheim Wörrstadt Sulzheim (Rheinhessen) Spiesheim Ensheim Armsheim Flonheim Erbes-Büdesheim Nack Nieder-Wiesen Bechenheim Offenheim Bornheim (Rheinhessen) Lonsheim Bermersheim vor der Höhe Albig Biebelnheim Bechtolsheim Gau-Odernheim Framersheim Gau-Heppenheim Alzey Ober-Flörsheim Flomborn Eppelsheim Dintesheim Esselborn Mauchenheim Freimersheim (Rheinhessen) Wahlheim Kettenheim Hessen Mainz Landkreis Mainz-Bingen Worms Rhein-Pfalz-Kreis Landkreis Bad Dürkheim Landkreis Bad Kreuznach Donnersbergkreismap
About this picture
Aerial view of Bechtolsheim, photographed from a paramotor on July 9, 2005

Bechtolsheim is a municipality at the foot of the Petersberg in the Alzey-Worms district in Rhineland-Palatinate . It belongs to the Alzey-Land association.


Geographical location

The community is located on the Selz , which meanders along the Petersberg . The next cities are Alzey with the administrations responsible for the place (district and association administration), and Wörrstadt , each approx. 10 kilometers away. The fastest way to reach the state capital Mainz , 30 kilometers away, is via the federal motorway 63 .

As a wine-growing community, Bechtolsheim is located in the largest wine-growing district in Germany and in the middle of the Rheinhessen wine-growing region . There it belongs to the Nierstein cultivation area with the large Petersberg location .

The district area is 1066 hectares . The settlement and traffic area is 11.3%. With a share of 86.1%, the agriculturally used area takes up the largest part. The planted vineyard area is 241 hectares, 72.5% of white wine grape varieties and 27.5% of red wine grape varieties (as of 2010). The remaining areas are divided between the forest areas with 1.6% and the water areas 1.0% (as of December 31, 2012). The forest areas are mainly trees standing along the Selz.

Neighboring communities

Bechtolsheim borders on Biebelnheim (1 km), Gau-Odernheim (1.5 km). This is followed by Gabsheim and Undenheim . After Weinolsheim there is a common boundary and, apart from field paths, no direct road connection.



Stone ax which was found near Bechtolsheim. The labeling was done by the museum

At the beginning of the 20th century, a stone ax from the Neolithic Age was found at the intersection from Bechtolsheim to Biebelnheim and Gabsheim . On February 7, 1962, a skeleton was found in a stool grave.

Roman times

There are four villas from the Roman period. Coins from the times of Marcus Aurelius and Constantine the Great with the image of the Emperor Licinius , a coin of the Roman Empress Faustina and a clay lamp with the potter's stamp Attus-a as well as a water pipe that could have come from Roman times were found. It can therefore be assumed that a first settlement existed between 260 and 400 AD.

First documentary mention

The first written documents about five donations to Lorsch Abbey are recorded in the Lorsch Codex and are stored in the Würzburg State Archives under old holdings, pens and monasteries, Mainz books with various contents:

  • Document 1877 from the second half of July 767, donation from Teubert, under King Pippin the Younger , “to serve the salvation of Giselbert”: a riding court, three acres of land, a mill, two meadows and a vineyard in the “Bertolfesheimer marca”.
  • Document 1873 of May 18, 770, donation from Wanther over three acres of land and a meadow
  • Document from 1875 of 770 or 771, donation from Guduin for a riding court with bonnet and everything that goes with it
  • Deed of 1874 of 774 or 775, donation of raning over two acres of land
  • Deed 1876 of 778 or 779, donation from Halucho and Reicho over six acres of land

During this time, Bechtolsheim was a Franconian royal farm.

The regular village complex was reinforced with ramparts and moats in the Middle Ages.

The place name changed in the course of time from Bertolfesheim , to Bertolvesheim and Bertolfesheim . In 793 the village was called Beralfesheim , 798 Beratwolfesheim and 800 Badolfesheim .

On December 25, 1250, King Wilhelm of Holland entered Bechtolsheim "with great splendor" and took up position with his troops against Conrad IV , whose armies were near Oppenheim. At that time the place belonged to Werner IV von Bolanden (* 1192–1196; † 1258), who was on Wilhelm's side. But this was defeated by Konrad IV from Staufer. The Bolander could only avoid the sacking of his villages by ceding Bechtolsheim and Mommenheim to the sidelines of Hohenfels, since 1270 under Philip III. from Hohenfels .

Bechtolsheim Freedom Letter and the time in the labor force

Plan of the former moated castle

The Lords of Bolanden ceded their farmyard to their Hohenfels sidelines . Another mention of Bechtolsheim can be found in the Bechtolsheim freedom letter from Philipp von Hohenfels the Elder in the founding deed of the inheritance of November 15, 1270.

In addition to the barons of Dalberg or treasurers of Worms, the inheritance included the barons Knebel von Katzenelnbogen , Mauchenheim called Bechtolsheim , barons von Dienheim, the counts of Hallberg, the barons Sturmfeder von Oppenheim (note: presumably the storm spring from Oppenweiler is meant), the Barons von Wallbrunn and Count Beckers von Westerstetten. Around 1407 a Wilhelmum de Mauchenheim d [ictum] Bechtolsheim appears for the first time , a Wilhelm von Mauchenheim called Bechtolsheim .

Up to 17 knight families were resident in the place. Eight noble families can be documented in 1732: Dalberg , Bechtolsheim, Sturmfeder, Wallbrunn , Knebel von Katzenellenbogen , Weyers, Dienheim and Hallberg. At last it was ruled by seven noble families, that of Dalberg, Nebel, Knebel , Beckers, Dienheim, Nordeck , Wallbrunn, Partenheim and Quernheim .

Popes Nicholas IV in 1292, Boniface VIII in 1300 and Benedict XII gave the building of the first Church of Our Lady . In 1341 bulls of indulgence, which are still in the church archives and prove that they had been built on it for half a century. It was named after the great Church of Our Lady, Ecclesia Major, B. M. V. It had several donated altars, for which the nobles exercised the right to present . The local and surrounding nobles chose them as their tombs.

French Republic to German Empire

Between 1798 and 1814 Bechtolsheim belonged to the Département du Mont-Tonnerre in the Canton de Wœrstadt . Then one was briefly under the KK Austrian and Royal Bavarian Civil Administration Kreuznach and from 1816 to the Grand Duchy of Hesse in the newly created province of Rheinhessen . The miller Christian Nicolaus Kopf was the only one in town to have the right to elect electors for the Second Chamber of the Grand Ducal Hessian Parliament in 1834. ( Land estates of the Grand Duchy of Hesse ) The prerequisite was the payment of at least 25 guilders taxes per year. On September 28, 1896, the station was opened on the Alzey – Bodenheim line. In the night of August 1, 1904, the local bell tower , which is located next to the Simultankirche, burned down due to a lightning strike. The permanent water supply by water pipe was ensured in 1906, together with the neighboring municipalities, the Rhein-Selz -gebiet water association. In 1912 the place was electrified. After the First World War , they belonged to the People's State of Hesse from 1918 . In 1937 the province of Rheinhessen was abolished and the place belonged to the district of Oppenheim or Alzey until the end of the war. American troops occupied the village on March 20, 1945 at around 4 p.m.

Rhineland-Palatinate and the Federal Republic of Germany

As part of the French occupation zone , Bechtolsheim belonged to the district of Alzey in the administrative district of Rheinhessen in the then newly formed state of Rhineland-Palatinate from 1946 on . With the creation of the Verbandsgemeinden in Rhineland-Palatinate, Bechtolsheim gave part of the administration to the Verbandsgemeinde Alzey-Land , established on April 22, 1972 .

The construction of the sewage system began after 1995 , in 1998 there was a 5.4 km sewer network and the population's degree of connection to biological sewage treatment plants was 41.6%. In 2001 there were 6.8 km and the connection rate was 93.7%. 9.0 km a connection rate of 99.6% was achieved in 2004. Then the sewer network was enlarged to 10.3 km in 2007 and to 13.6 km by 2010.

In a regional “community check ” by the Allgemeine Zeitung ( Rhein Main Presse ) in January 2011, Bechtolsheim came fifth among the 24 communities tested.

Religions, denominations

The main residence of the population today (as of December 31, 2008) consists of over 53 percent Protestant and over 26 percent Roman Catholic Christians. More than 16 percent live without religious beliefs. The rest of the population, around 5 percent, are distributed among other religious communities.

The simultaneous church is used equally by the two Christian denominations. The Catholic community belongs to the Catholic Dean's Office of Alzey / Gau-Bickelheim of the Diocese of Mainz and the Protestant to the State Church of Hessen-Nassau . The Protestant rectory in Bechtolsheim also looks after the parishes in Biebelnheim , Ensheim and Spiesheim . The Catholic parish together with Biebelnheim belongs to the Gau-Odernheim parish .

A small Jewish community existed between the 18th century and the mid-1930s. The Jewish community had a synagogue , which was probably set up in an existing building in 1845 and was used as the religious center of the Jewish community until 1900/1910. Due to the sharp decline in the number of Jewish residents, the synagogue was closed and the dilapidated building was demolished in 1925. There was also a religious school and a ritual bath. The dead were buried in the Jewish cemetery in the Gau-Odernheim district on a hill facing the Petersberg.

  • 1804 39 Jewish residents
  • 1808 12 Jewish households
  • 1824 66 Jewish residents
  • 1830 66 Jewish residents
  • 1855 80 Jewish residents
  • 1861 46 Jewish residents
  • 1900 19 Jewish residents
  • 1905 19-20 Jewish residents (1.8% of a total of 1134 residents)
  • 1924 16 Jewish residents
  • 1933 10 Jewish residents

After 1933, almost all of the Jewish residents moved away or emigrated due to increasing disenfranchisement and reprisals. It is known that two Jewish women were deported to the Ravensbrück concentration camp and the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in 1942/1943 and killed there. On the initiative of the Heimatverein Bechtolsheim, it was proposed in 2006 that at least one of the women should have a stumbling block by the artist Gunter Demnig . On June 5, 2007 the Stolperstein was laid for Bertha Lieber, b. Stone in front of the last residence in Langgasse.

Population development

The number of residents with their main residence in Bechtolsheim at the end of each year (December 31), unless otherwise stated:

1800: 821
1815: 879
1834: 1,295
1835: 1,383
1852: 1,324
1861: 1,226
1871: 1,174
1890: 1,055
1901: 1,075
1905: 1,134
1939: 1,185
1950: 1,432
1961: 1,385
1970: 1,407
1972: 1,426
1980: 1,380
June 30, 1984: 1,441 (main and secondary residence)
1987: 1,394
1991: 1,396
June 30, 2005: 1,480
2005: 1,462
2006: 1,501
2007: 1,543
June 30, 2008: 1,551
2010: 1,564
2012: 1,633


Municipal council

The council always consisted of 15 council members since the first election of 15 September 1946th Since 1989 the number of members has increased by one. In addition, the honorary local mayor acts as chairman.

Distribution of seats in the elected municipal council:

Local election
SPD CDU FWG Bechtolsheim further groups of voters
(if available)
Total number of seats Remarks
May 26, 2019 4th 5 4th 3 (flat share community) 16
May 25, 2014 5 3 4th 4 (flat share community) 16
June 7, 2009 6th 3 7th - 16
2004 5 2 9 - 16
1999 ? ? ? ? (Bechtolsheim Free List) 16
June 12, 1994 7th 2 3 4 (Oelhof flat share) 16
1989 ? ? ? ? (WG Oehlhof) 16
17th June 1984 3 2 (+1) 2 8 (+1) (Oehlhof flat share) 15th The mandate increase came about through the resignation of the mayor (WG Oehlhof) and the 1st alderman (CDU). The mayor still has the right to vote, the alderman only if he represents the mayor.
1979 ? ? ? ? (WG Oehlhof) 15th
1974 ? ? ? ? (WG Oehlhof) 15th
1969 4th 3 - 8 (Oehlhof flat share) 15th
1964 ? ? ? ? 15th
1960 ? ? ? ? 15th
1956 ? ? ? ? 15th
1952 ? ? ? ? 15th
1948 ? ? ? ? 15th
September 15, 1946 ? ? ? ? 15th

Number of members of the municipal council between 1919 and 1946

  • 1919–1922: 12 members
  • 1923–1926: 11 members
  • 1926–1929: 12 members
  • 1929–1933: 11 members
  • 1933–1945: 14 members (two members were expelled in July 1933 and replaced by others)
  • 1945–1946: 9 members (as local committee )

Between 1919 and 1936 a local councilor is added, from then on there are always two local councilors.

Local mayor

In the time of the inheritance there was a so-called mayor , the list is incomplete.

  • Nichel Radan and Conrad Stantharte, around 1300
  • Johann von Bechtolsheim and his brother Wilderich, around 1350 (both scultetus )
  • Thomas Kempe, 1487
  • Thomas Cemppe, 1488
  • Resentment, 1593 and 1595
  • Wilhelm Ungeradt, 1610
  • Joh.Schumann, 1628
  • Philipp Nau, 1699
  • Johann Fischer, 1705
  • ? Schmidt, 18th century
  • ? Theis, 18th century

From 1798 Bechtolsheim belonged to the First French Republic and thus to the Canton de Wœrstadt in the Arrondissement communal de Mayence , in the Département du Mont-Tonnerre . So between 1798 and 1814 there was the Maire . After the transition to the Grand Duchy of Hesse , the previous mayor was retained.

  1. Jean Böhm (1798–1812), also responsible for Biebelnheim
  2. Pierre / Peter Baum (1812–1822), also responsible for Biebelnheim
  3. ? Schuckmann (1822–1831), from here only responsible for Bechtolsheim
  4. Baltasar Oehlhof (1831–1843)
  5. Johann Best (1843–1849)
  6. Baltasar Oehlhof (1849-1853)
  7. Michael Köhler (1853–1874)
  8. Peter Wirth (1874–1902)
  9. Friedrich Schuckmann (1902–1933)
  10. Johann Eger (1933–1934)
  11. Heinrich Diel (1934–1945)
  12. Johann Menges (1945–1951)
  13. Theo Bretz (1951–1952)
  14. Franz Mann (1952–1956)
  15. Adam Schneider (1956–1960)
  16. Erich Oehlhof (1960–1994) (Free Voting Group Oehlhof)
  17. Harald Kemptner (1994-2019) (SPD)
  18. Dieter Mann (since 2019) (CDU)

In the runoff election on June 16, 2019, Dieter Mann (CDU) prevailed against the previous incumbent Harald Kemptner (SPD) with a 55.02% share of the vote.

coat of arms

Provisional coat of arms until 1984

Old coat of arms until 1984
Blazon : "Split of silver and black , covered with a red bar ."
Reasons for the coat of arms: The shield is handed down through the village court seal from 1590, two coat of arms reliefs on the town hall and a hand-drawn " official " coat of arms that was created between 1790 and 1797. Silver and black are also the colors in the coat of arms of the " Ganerbschaft Bechtolsheim" ( knight canton Upper Rhine ), from 1270 the barons of Dalberg , who built the church, the barons of Sickingen and the counts of Katzenelnbogen and they allow the close relationships of the community clearly recognize this inheritance. The red bar can u. a. to express the connection to the inheritance, but also the togetherness of all local residents clearly and emphatically.

Although this coat of arms was not approved, a place symbol of changing shape was used in previous decades. A coat of arms is published by Karl Johann Brilmayer in 1905 . The latter noted: The village had two coats of arms, that of the Rhenish knighthood and his own. The own consists of two parts: on the right was the von Dalberg's coat of arms and on the left the von Knebel's coat of arms. The coat of arms of the Rhenish knighthood with eagle, dragon slayer, castle and lion covered with a sloping beam in a shield divided into four, was never the coat of arms of the community of Bechtolsheim. The second coat of arms contains in simplified form the lilies on the right from the coat of arms of the Barons von Dalberg or Chamberlain von Worms, on the left the ring and label from the coat of arms of the Barons Knebel von Katzenelnbogen . Both families belonged to the inheritance of Bechtolsheim and were, along with the barons of Mauchenheim, their most important representatives.

Flag for the anniversary of the MGV from 1911. The coat of arms can be seen in the lower corner.

The split shield with the Dalbergian lilies and the insignia of the gag from Katzenelnbogen was generally regarded as the local coat of arms in Bechtolsheim and appears in 1911 on the flag donated for the 65th anniversary of the men's choir.

Approved coat of arms from 1984

On January 31, 1984 the municipality was awarded the following coat of arms:

New coat of arms from 1984
Blazon : "Of blue, each with a silver lily , and silver, each with a black ring, quartered, covered with a black bar ."

Culture and sights


  • Theater and Carneval Association Bechtolsheim e. V., since 1892
  • Men's ballet “The Hypocritical Monks”, since 1999


On September 22nd, 2012, the “ Museum in the Bell Tower ” was opened.


The music train of the volunteer fire brigade has been around since 1962 and has retained its name, although it is now organizationally separated from the volunteer fire brigade. In addition to musical performances, it offers musical training for children and young people. The men's choir was founded in 1846, making it the oldest club in town. The women's choir was founded in 1979 and merged into a mixed choir in 1983. This dissolved in 2003.

Since October 2011, "Das KulturGut" by Elke Diepenbeck and Roland Kalus has offered a stage for cabaret and music as well as a music school.


In the message Lichen List of cultural monuments Rheinland-Pfalz for the county Alzey-Worms of General Cultural Heritage some buildings and monuments from Bechtolsheim were taken, a detailed list can be found in the list of cultural monuments in Bechtolsheim . The town hall, the simultaneous church and the bell tower should be mentioned here. In the Handbook of German Art Monuments , the local community is highlighted as an "art-historically important place" , other places in the district that are marked with it are Armsheim and Bechtheim .


  • Sports club Bechtolsheim, founded in 1882
The local community has a so-called sports center with two soccer fields (one grass and one hard court) as well as a sports hall with club house and two tennis courts with artificial turf in the old new building area of ​​the sports club Bechtolsheim e. V. (SVB) .
  • Rifle club Petersberg Bechtolsheim, since 1963
The shooting range of the Schützenverein Petersberg Bechtolsheim e. V. is located on the road from Gau-Odernheim to Undenheim.
  • Freizeit Sport Verein - FSV, 1982
There is also the Bechtolsheim recreational sports club , which was split off from the SVB in 1982.
  • Motorcycle Club - MCB, since 1980

Natural monuments

In Bechtolsheim there are two natural monuments, the "Talgraben" and the "Trees at the Bechtolsheim School".

The "Talgraben" is about 2.9 hectares. The protection purpose is the preservation of the wood population along the valley ditch to ensure the efficiency of the natural balance and to revitalize and structure the landscape.

When it was placed under protection in 1984, the “tree population at the Bechtolsheim school” comprised four winter linden trees and a pedunculate oak . The protection purpose is the preservation of the trees as individual creations of nature, whose special protection is necessary because of their age, because of their beauty and the character that characterizes the townscape of Bechtolsheim. Both linden trees that were in the school yard were so badly damaged by the hurricanes ( Daria , Vivian , Wiebke ) in the first quarter of 1990 that they had to be felled for safety reasons. For this purpose, a new linden tree was planted in the schoolyard, the other space was used to expand the school with a classroom in a container building.

Regular events

  • Christmas tree burning on a Friday in January
  • Mardi Gras sessions of the theater and carnival association as well as the rural women
  • Mardi Gras parade on Mardi Gras Saturday (every four years, including 2013 with the anniversary parade "11 × 11 years of theater and carnival association Bechtolsheim")
  • Easter market (with farmers' and flea markets)
  • Corpus Christi : Procession (in even years) as well as the annual football tournament
  • Vineyard hike on the Petersberg, at Whitsun (since 2009)
  • Theater performances by the Theater and Carneval Association (open air in summer, in the hall in the run-up to Christmas)
  • annual Kerb or Kerwe ( parish fair ) on the last weekend in August
The curb has been held regularly in Bechtolsheim since 1985 . This is organized and carried out by the local 20-year-old Kerbeborsch and Kerbemäd (= notch vintage).
On Notch Friday, the Kerbeborsch set up the notch tree (resembles a maypole ) with the notch wreath with the typical Rhine-Hessian dishes weck, worscht and woi as well as pretzel . Afterwards, the reputation of Whom is the score? answered with OUR and initiated the festival with the notch dance. The notch year always puts the annual notch under a certain motto.
  • Autumn market (with farmers' and flea markets)
  • Martial parade on November 11th or the weekend after
  • Since 1992 the “Bechtolsheim Christmas Market” has been held on the first Sunday in Advent . Until 2012 this took place on the square in front of the Simultankirche. Due to roof renovation work on the church building, the Christmas market was moved to “Kerbeplatz” in 2013 and has been taking place there since then, due to the good response and the larger area.

Economy and Infrastructure


The community is mainly characterized by viticulture and agriculture. Today there are at least 13 wineries, including winery Ernst Bretz which received the award "Winemaker of the year 2013" with the federal award for wine in gold. There is also a wine cooperative . At the beginning of the 20th century, the vineyard area was around 46 hectares in the Petersberg, Homberg, Hasenpfad, Fuchsloch and Hyböhl locations. Red wine grew in the pedestrian. The average yield was around 1700 hectoliters of white wine (80% Austrian, 15% Riesling, 5% Kleinberger) and around 150 hectoliters of red wine. At that time, the quality was judged to be “firm and durable”.

In the village is the bakery of a medium-sized bakery that supplies the two own shops in Bechtolsheim and Gau-Odernheim as well as the mobile stalls. The store in Bechtolsheim is also a small supermarket, café and Toto Lotto acceptance point. Thanks to the café and bakery, the Landmarkt is open all week.

Other businesses on site are: two car workshops, a free petrol station (until mid-February 2013), an agricultural supplies store with a diesel petrol station, a carpenter's shop, a fruit growing company, a beekeeper, three hairdressers, a dentist's practice and other smaller service companies.

Until the beginning of the 2000s, what was then Volksbank Wörrstadt eG (today Volksbank Alzey eG ) and what was then Kreissparkasse Alzey each had a branch in town. After the two branches were closed, the business premises of the Sparkasse were converted into a self-service counter with a transfer terminal for each of the two banks, including a bank statement printer and an ATM. This service was discontinued on December 31, 2014. Today there are apartments in the Volksbank building. Only the entrance door could be closed to a bank in the following years (at least until 2009 until the beginning of 2014 at the latest).

The post office, which existed until 1995/1996, was first converted into a post office with two agency owners and completely dissolved a few years later. The nearest post office is in Gau-Odernheim.


A district road (K 31) ran through the municipality until October 2010 , after which it was downgraded to a municipal road and at the same time a speed limit of 30 , which was previously only available in the old new development areas, was extended to almost the entire local area, only the state road (L 436) Undenheimer Straße has remained as a thoroughfare at 50 km / h , see also the list of streets and squares in Bechtolsheim .

The next motorway is the A 63, about 5 km away, via the Biebelnheim junction. Local public transport is ensured by the connection of the bus routes to Alzey and Mainz from ORN .

Between 1896 and May 31, 1985 there was a station on the railway line from Bodenheim to Alzey . Afterwards, the route was only used for freight traffic, mainly for the beet campaign . In 1995 the final shutdown took place and the dismantling of the tracks began.


A small group published a newspaper called Bechtolsheimer Ortsschelle between January 1985 and December 2014 . The newspaper appeared monthly and mainly contained the minutes of the past municipal council meetings as well as the club life, event information and book presentations from the local library. The newspaper was financed through advertisements from local companies. The edition has been 350 copies since 2008, the retail price is 1.00 euros. For personal reasons of the editors, the newspaper was discontinued at the end of 2014. The Bechtolsheimer Ortsschelle has been published every two months since the beginning of 2015. The publisher is the Heimatverein Bechtolsheim eV The edition is 900 copies and the distribution is free of charge to all Bechtolsheim households. Since then, all issues from the 30th year onwards have also been available on the Internet.

Public facilities

  • In October 2012, the Protestant kindergarten consisted of three groups with a total of 65 children. The local community and the Protestant church community cooperate. With the 65 children, the kindergarten is fully occupied, an application was made to the district administration for recognition of needs and a group was approved, the development in the village tends to mean that there is still a need for another group. In October 2012, the local council voted to expand the kindergarten. The community is the building owner and developer. The building is to be increased, the new upper floor has about 305 square meters and should have two group rooms, a multi-purpose room, staff toilet, toilet and baby changing room, an office, staff room with kitchenette (social room), as well as a cleaning and material room. The costs for the entire measure, minus the subsidies, amount to 594,000 euros. The renovation work began in March 2014, and the kindergarten is now located in the Protestant youth home behind the rectory in Langgasse.
  • Bechtolsheim volunteer fire brigade was founded in 1872 and the current fire station has existed since 1981 and was expanded in 1996 to include a lounge / training room.


  • There is a primary school in the village, which school-age children from the neighboring communities of Biebelnheim and Gau-Odernheim also attend. There are secondary schools in Gau-Odernheim, Alzey and Wörrstadt.
  • The Protestant Church maintains a library in its youth center.


There are 24 different clubs and organizations in Bechtolsheim. The largest and most successful club with over 600 members is the Petersberg shooting club, founded in 1963 . The oldest sports club was founded in 1882 and offers a range of different sports, the largest departments are football, tennis and table tennis within SV Bechtolsheim . Another sports club was founded in 1982 with the recreational sports club (FSV Bechtolsheim).

The oldest known club, the men's choir , was founded in 1846. He joined forces in 1983 with the women's choir, which was only founded in 1979, and formed a mixed choir which has since disbanded. The volunteer fire brigade was organized in 1872, it is supported by a development association and has had a musical train since 1962 . The Theater and Carnival Association Bechtolsheim (TCVB) was founded as the Theater Association Spätheim in 1892.

Other associations are the rural women’s association (1977), the motorcycle club (1980), the men's ballet “Die Scheinheiligen Mönche” (1998) and the Heimatverein Bechtolsheim e. V. (1999), who has been responsible for the museum in the bell tower since the inauguration in 2012 .


Oldest known family with the place name Bechtolsheim:

  • Winand Cämmerer called von Waldeck (* before 1334; † March 2, 1365) ∞ Demudis von Bechtolsheim († May 29, 1348), daughter of Peter von Bechtolsheim (* before 1290; † after 1342) and Demud von Lewenstein († after 1342 )
    • Peter Cämmerer called von Bechtolsheim, knight (* 1342–1354; † March 13, 1387) ∞ Elisabeth von Lindau († July 31, 1371)
      • Irmgard Cämmerer von Worms, called von Bechtolsheim (* around 1387, † around 1440) ∞ Dieter II. Landschad von Steinach
      • Elisabeth Cämmerer von Worms, called von Bechtolsheim
      • Winand Cämmerer von Worms, called von Bechtolsheim
      • Wolf Cämmerer von Worms, called von Bechtolsheim
      • Peter II. Cämmerer von Worms, called von Bechtolsheim (* around 1370; † March 20, 1397) ∞ I. Liebmund von Reifenberg, ∞ II. Ida von Frankenstein.
      • Demudis Cämmerer von Worms, called von Bechtolsheim (* around 1395 - † February 28, 1425) ∞ Eberhard II. Von Hirschhorn
  • Heinrich Mauchenheim, called von Bechtolsheim, 1515 mayor in Nierstein, lived there in what would later become the "Metternichhof".

Honorary citizen

The honorary citizenship of Bechtolsheim was first awarded to the former mayor Erich Oehlhof and the first local councilor A. Spang in the mid-1990s. Both were on the local council between 1956 and 1994.

Sons and daughters of the church

  • Friedrich Held (* December 20, 1818; † 1885), newspaper publisher of The Buffalo Democrat in Buffalo
  • Egon Ehlenberger (* 1938; † 2010), company founder of Ehlego ( chicken egg )
  • Anke Bretz, Rheinhessische Weinkönigin 1990/1991

People who worked on site

Partner municipality

A partnership has existed with the French municipality of Patrimonio in Corsica since 2018 . On November 11, 2018, the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War , there was a ceremony in Patrimonio.


  • Phil. August Pauli: The Roman and German Antiquities on the Rhine, 1st Dept. Rheinhessen, Mainz 1820, pp. 123-124.
  • Chronicle of the cath. Parish Bechtolsheim / Biebelnheim, with entries from Pastor Adam Schmitt.
  • Chronicle of the Protestant parish Bechtolsheim, 1864.
  • Karl Josef Minst: Lorscher Codex, Volume III, Lorsch. 1970, documents no. 1873–1877, pp. 330–331.
  • Karl Johann Brilmayer : Rheinhessen in the past and present, Gießen 1905. P. 47–48.
  • Karl Oberle : History of Bechtolsheim .
    • 1st edition: 1951 (published posthumously)
    • 2nd expanded edition 1995: ISBN 3-87854-111-2 .
  • Commemorative publication of the Bechtolsheim volunteer fire brigade: "100 years of fire brigade - 10 years of music train", Bechtolsheim 1972.
  • Henning Kaufmann: Rheinhessische Ortnames, Munich 1976, pp. 12-13.
  • 400 years of the town hall of Bechtolsheim 1592–1992 . Ed .: Bechtolsheim community, printing: Oppenheimer Druckhaus, Wörrstadt 1992.
  • Volker Gallé : Rheinhessen, In: DuMont Art Travel Guide, Cologne 1992, pp. 208–209.
  • Tassilo von Montgelas: Mauchenhein gen. Bechtolsheim, In: Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels enrolled in Bavaria, 25, 2004, p. 544. ISSN  0085-0934
  • The dispute over the bell tower is long gone ; in: Rhein Main Presse , February 24, 2004

Web links

Commons : Bechtolsheim  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. State Statistical Office of Rhineland-Palatinate - population status 2019, districts, communities, association communities ( help on this ).
  2. Stone Age settlement in Bechtolsheim? Finds from the Neolithic.
  3. ^ Streiflichter from the history of the community of Bechtolsheim ( memento of July 18, 2011 in the Internet Archive ), accessed: April 6, 2009
  4. ^ Karl Oberle: History of Bechtolsheim , p. 7
  5. Karl Josef Minst: Lorscher Codex, German, Volume III , Donation documents Wormsgau, Lorsch 1970, pp. 330–331
  6. ^ Henning Kaufmann: Rheinhessische Ortnames, Munich 1976, p. 12
  7. ^ Karl Oberle: History of Bechtolsheim , p. 14
  8. ^ Karl Oberle: History of Bechtolsheim , p. 22
  9. ^ Josef Rick: Heimat-Jahrbuch Landkreis Alzey . 1961, pp. 57–62 and Die Weinbaugemeinde Bechtolsheim . In: Festschrift for the fire brigade festival 1972
  10. ^ Hans-Jörg Koch: Weinparadies Rheinhessen . Verlag der Rheinhessische Druckwerkstätte / Alzey, 1982, ISBN 3-87854-029-9 .
  11. ^ Karl Oberle: History of Bechtolsheim , p. 89 f.
  12. Josef Rick: The inheritance Bechtolsheim . In: Heimatjahrbuch des Landkreis Alzey-Worms 1971 , p. 10
  13. Matthias Schnettger : The territories at a glance. / 6. The Imperial Knighthood ; in: Cross - Wheel - Lion / Rhineland-Palatinate. A country and its history. Part 1; Verlag Philipp von Zabern , Mainz 2012; P. 571
  14. ^ Karl Anton Schaab : History of the City of Mainz Volume 4, 1851, History of the Grand Ducal Hessian Rhine Province with the cantons of Alzei, Bingen, Osthofen, Pfeddersheim, Wöllstein, Wörrstadt and Worms
  15. ^ Phil. August Pauli: The Roman and German antiquities on the Rhine, Rheinhessen, Mainz 1820, p. 124; Festschrift 1977, p. 21
  16. ^ Stephan Alexander Würdtwein : Dioecesis Moguntina in Archidiaconatus distincta , 1767
  17. Grand Duke. Hess. Government Gazette for the year 1834, Darmstadt, p. 106
  18. Rudolf Flick: 1792 - the beginning of a new time . In: 400 years town hall , p. 70
  19. ^ Rudolf Flick: The community of Bechtolsheim after the Second World War . In: 400 years town hall , p. 71
  20. ^ Public sewage disposal 1975 to 2010 ; As of December 31, 2012
  21. Daycare and school bring points / GEMEINDE-CHECK I Bechtolsheim ranks fifth / Rooms for young people are worries by Kathrin Damwitz, January 20, 2011
  22. Lively club life and land market / GEMEINDECHECK II head of the rural women praises the good infrastructure and the view from Petersberg by Kathrin Damwitz, January 20, 2011
  23. Municipal statistics as of December 31, 2008
  24. Jewish history and synagogue on
  25. ^ The memorial book of the Federal Archives for the Victims of the National Socialist Persecution of Jews in Germany (1933–1945)
  26. Meeting of the Bechtolsheim municipal council on November 13, 2006 ( Memento of February 27, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  27. ^ Stolpersteine ​​also in Bechtolsheim ( memento from February 27, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) from June 1, 2007
  28. Population from 1815 to 1987. (No longer available online.) Archived from the original .;
  29. reprint of Bechtolsheimer local clamp January 1985 ibid January 2010
  30. ^ Ernst Walter Görisch : Verbandsgemeindeverwaltung Alzey-Land . In 400 years town hall Bechtolsheim 1592–1992 , p. 74
  31. ^ Bechtolsheim municipal council ( Memento from July 18, 2011 in the Internet Archive )
  32. ^ The Regional Returning Officer RLP: Municipal Council Election 2019 Bechtolsheim. Retrieved September 6, 2019 .
  33. Local election Rhineland-Palatinate 2009, local council
  34. Hans Lehn: Directory of the members of the municipal council of Bechtolsheim in the years 1919–1992 (at the beginning of the respective electoral term). In: 400 years Bechtolsheim town hall , p. 84 f.
  35. ^ Hans Lehn: Directory of the local councilors of Bechtolsheim in the years 1919–1992 . In: 400 years of Bechtolsheim town hall , p. 83
  36. ^ Karl Oberle: History of Bechtolsheim , p. 60 f.
  37. Rudolf Flick: 1792 - the beginning of a new time . In: 400 years Bechtolsheim town hall 1592–1992 , p. 67 ff.
  38. Harald Kemptner
  39. The regional returning officer RLP: direct elections 2019. see Alzey-Land, Verbandsgemeinde, third line of results. Retrieved September 6, 2019 .
  40. Bechtolsheim coat of arms (until around 1980)
  41. ^ Karl Johann Brilmayer: Rheinhessen in the past and present . History of the existing and departed cities, towns, villages, hamlets and farms, monasteries and castles in the province of Rheinhessen along with an introduction. Giessen 1905, p. 47 f.
  42. ^ Josef Rick: Coat of arms collection: The Bechtolsheim local coat of arms . In: Heimatjahrbuch des Landkreis Alzey 1965 , p. 122
  43. ^ Karl-Heinz Debus: coat of arms and flag of the local community Bechtolsheim . In: 400 years town hall Bechtolsheim 1592–1992 , p. 4 ff.
  44. Print of the approval certificate in LA Speyer, registry, V 2281 Bechtolsheim. See also Karl-Heinz Debus: Administrative reform and coat of arms - newly awarded coats of arms since the beginning of the administrative reform . In: Pfälzisch-Rheinhessische Familienkunde Vol. 11, Issue 3 (December 1986) p. 111 No. 300 with hatched illustration.
  45. The KulturGUT Bechtolsheim. Roland Kalus, accessed June 14, 2019 .
  46. Informational directory of the cultural monuments Rhineland-Palatinate for the district of Alzey-Worms (PDF; 1.6 MB) p. 11 f.
  47. ^ Langgasse in Bechtolsheim from the SWR Landesschau Rheinland-Pfalz SWR Landesschau Rheinland-Pfalz, broadcast on March 26, 2014; Duration: 7:31 min
  48. Dehio 1972
  49. Ordinance on the protected landscape component "Talgraben, Bechtolsheim" , Alzey-Worms district of May 18, 1981 (PDF file; 305 kB)
  50. Ordinance on the natural monument "Tree population at the Bechtolsheim school" , Alzey-Worms district of October 10, 1984 (PDF file; 1.1 MB)
  51. KU: 24th Bechtolsheim Christmas Market. In: VG Alzey-Land newsletter. No. 51 of December 17, 2015, Volume 31, p. 8.
  52. Federal government honors producers of outstanding wine and sparkling wine ( memento of October 29, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, press release No. 284 of October 24, 2013
  53. ^ Vintners and wine in Bechtolsheim ( Memento from July 18, 2011 in the Internet Archive )
  54. The Rheinweine Hesse, Rheinhessen and the Bergstrasse, Mainz 1927, pp. 74–75
  55. Bechtolsheimer local clamp 11/2010: Write the municipality of October 2010
  56. Heimatverein Bechtolsheim , all editions of the Ortsschelle as PDF from 1/2015 under "Ortsschelle"
  58. Contract of 1988
  59. CS: From the local council - meeting on October 15, 2012; in: Bechtolsheimer Ortsschelle; 27th year; Issue: 10/2012; Pp. 3-4
  60. ^ Bechtolsheim elementary school ; Online on the Internet: February 7, 2013
  61. ^ Bechtolsheimer club life. Bechtolsheim community, accessed on February 9, 2019 .
  62. ^ Bernhard Peter: Gallery: Photos of beautiful old coats of arms No. 944, Oppenheim am Rhein, p. 2.
  65. Eberhard II. Von Hirschhorn, Ritter (Prof. Herbert Stoyan)
  66. Walther Möller: Family tables of West German noble families in the Middle Ages, Volume II, p. 175 Die Kämmerer von Worms, with plate LXVI
  68. German Foundation for the Protection of Monuments, funding project former. Metternichhof, 2015
  69. 400 years town hall , p. 86
  70. The History of the Germans in Buffalo and Erie County - Part II
  71. Chapter 3 Buffalo's German Press