Ernst Münch (historian, 1952)

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Ernst Münch (born October 26, 1952 in Rostock ) is a German historian and university professor in Rostock.


After graduating from high school in 1971, Münch studied history and German at the University of Rostock and Lomonossow University in Moscow . After obtaining his doctorate A in 1980, he worked as a research assistant and senior assistant at the University of Rostock. In 1987 the PhD B followed . Since 1993 private lecturer , he was appointed professor for history of the Middle Ages and Mecklenburg regional history in 1998.

Münch's main research areas are agricultural history and Mecklenburg regional history. Current projects are the edition of the land register of the city of Wismar 1677/80 to 1838, the Rostock city history in the Middle Ages and early modern times, the emergence of manor and serfdom in Mecklenburg as well as the building history of the University of Rostock.


  • Studies on peasant-feudal relations and their development in the epoch of full development of feudalism, especially in south-east Germany (12th-14th centuries). 1980 ( Dissertation A , University of Rostock, 1980).
  • Studies on the agricultural history of Mecklenburg in the 12th – 14th centuries Century 2 volumes. 1986 ( Dissertation B , University of Rostock, 1987).
  • Toitenwinkel and Rostock. To the story of a love-hate relationship. Thomas Helms Verlag , Schwerin 2002, ISBN 3-931185-84-2 .
  • with Wolf Karge and Hartmut Schmied: The history of Mecklenburg. Hinstorff, Rostock 1993; 4th, expanded edition 2004, ISBN 3-356-01039-5 .


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