Ernst Schneider (judge)

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Ernst Schneider (born July 10, 1941 in Brüx , Sudetenland ; † January 3, 2003 ) was a judge at the Federal Court of Justice from 1992 until his death .

Schneider grew up in Munich after the war , where he studied at the Ludwig Maximilians University . After completing his legal training, he joined the Bavarian judicial service in 1971 , where he worked in various positions as a judge and public prosecutor , interrupted by several secondments to the Bavarian Ministry of Justice .

In 1975, Schneider moved to the ministry as a senior government councilor , where he last worked as a ministerial advisor until 1988, interrupted only by a brief activity as a judge at the Munich Higher Regional Court .

In 1988 Schneider was appointed judge at the Bavarian Supreme Court .

While he was at the Federal Court of Justice, Schneider was a member of the 5th Civil Senate .