Extended civil protection
The extended disaster control was in Germany until 1997 an extension of the general disaster control financed by federal funds . He was the successor of the civil protection corps and the air protection auxiliary service , which was ultimately not established, and served civil defense in the event of a defense . The legal basis was the “Law for the Extension of Disaster Protection” (KatSchErwG) of 1968. The federal government financed special vehicles and equipment that were mainly designed for special operations in the event of a defense. This material was made available to the Länder for distribution to the organizations involved in civil protection.
The resources of the extended disaster control could also be used in peacetime in the event of a disaster . The extended disaster control included the technical relief organization , the fire brigade and the Bavarian Red Cross , as well as the aid organizations that were involved in disaster control under state law. Furthermore, the authorities were able to set up management units .
The extended disaster control was divided into specialist services (in alphabetical order):
- ABC service
- Rescue service
- Care service
- Fire protection service
- Telecommunications service
- Repair service
- medical corps
- Utility service
- Veterinary service
The rapid response groups that emerged later, as well as the DRK relief train, were not part of the extended disaster control as planned.
The extended disaster control was dissolved by the abolition of the legal basis according to the law for the reorganization of civil protection (ZSNeuOG) 1997. Only the regulations on the legal status of the helpers continue to apply. After the suspension of compulsory military service , the civil protection obligations were also lifted or no longer continued.