Erwin Graumann

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Erwin Graumann (born June 14, 1902 in Bielefeld , † July 14, 1988 in Geneva ) was a German-French artist. His art found a connection to the modern art from France of the time, but remained rooted in German painting. His preference lay in drawing, which he also extended to all areas of graphics.

Erwin Graumann started painting very early, before 1920. The beginnings can be traced back to 1916, when he began his apprenticeship in a graphic art institute and later was a pattern draftsman in a silk weaving mill. The training program also included attending evening courses at the Bielefeld School of Applied Arts. Here his outstanding talent was already evident. In 1923 he switched to the academy in Berlin. Here he belonged to the graphics class of Hans Meid and was there from 1929 to 1932 Karl Hofer's master class . Since his work was defamed as Degenerate Art by the National Socialists, Graumann emigrated to Copenhagen in 1935. A year later he settled as a freelance artist in Paris, which he had to leave at the beginning of the Second World War, but returned after the end of the war. After leaving Paris, he stayed in the unoccupied southern France and moved to Geneva in 1943. There he later kept his second residence besides Paris and worked alternately in his studios in both cities. In 1949 he took French citizenship.

The extensive and highly independent work by Erwin Graumann is not very well known, despite its great importance. Reasons for this lie in addition to the introspective personality of the artist, especially in the circumstances at that time, which forced him to move several times and even to temporarily separate from his works.


  • Städtisches Kunsthaus Bielefeld: Erwin Graumann, painting and graphics, for the exhibition September 21 - October 23, 1966.
  • Alessandra Cacace: Graumann, Erwin . In: General Artist Lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples (AKL). Volume 61, Saur, Munich a. a. 2009, ISBN 978-3-598-23028-8 , p. 13.
  • Graumann, Erwin . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists of the XX. Century. tape 2 : E-J . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1955, p. 296 .

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