Erwin Neter

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Erwin Neter (born May 26, 1909 in Mannheim , † November 2, 1983 in Buffalo , NY) was a German-American microbiologist at the University of Buffalo.


Neter studied medicine at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg and became a member of the Thuringia in the Burschenbunds-Convent . He remained loyal to the federal government throughout his life. In 1932 he was promoted to Dr. med. PhD. He emigrated to the United States and settled in Buffalo , New York in 1936 . For 45 years, from 1936 to 1981, he headed the bacteriological laboratory at Buffalo's children's clinic. From 1948 to 1983 he was a consultant for bacteriology at the Roswell Park Memorial Institute . He was among the founders of the Ernest Witebsky Center of Immunology . He dealt mainly with pathogenic intestinal bacteria and in 1950 identified several serogroups of Escherichia coli that are responsible for epidemic diarrhea in children. For several years he studied the immunology of endotoxins and antigens in intestinal bacteria . He published more than 400 original papers . After a short illness, he died at the age of 74.




  • Górzyński EA: A tribute. Erwin Neter, MD 26 May 1909 to 2 November 1983 . Immunol Commun 13: 1-3 (1984).

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Kurt Naumann: Directory of the members of the old gentlemen's association of BC Munich e. V. and all other former BCers as well as the old men of the Wiener SC . Saarbrücken, Christmas 1962, p. 46
  2. Dissertation: About the influence of reduced table salt content on the complement fixation reactions .
  3. ^ Felix Milgrom : Obituary
  4. ^ Stockton Kimball Award