Eshagh Jahangiri

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Eshagh Jahangiri
Signature of Eshagh Jahangiri

Eshagh Dschahangiri ( Persian اسحاق جهانگیری Eshaq Jahangiri ; * January 10, 1957 in Sirjan , also Jahangiri ) is an Iranian politician from the Kargozaran party. He is vice-president of Iran in the government of Hassan Rohani .

The former Minister of Industry and Mining (from August 21, 1997 to August 25, 2005) is thus the First Deputy Head of State. He was on 28 May 1984, the constituency of Jiroft in the Parliament elected , where he remained until May 25, the 1,992th From September 1, 1992 to August 20, 1997, Jahangiri was governor of Isfahan , succeeding Gholamhossein Karbastschi .

The Shiite Muslim is married to Manijeh Jahangiri and has three children. On March 4, 2020, Jahangiri tested positive for the coronavirus .

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Individual evidence

  2. Reuters: Iran's first vice president has coronavirus, IranWire reports; no official confirmation , March 2020