Eszter Váczi

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Eszter Váczi (born July 3, 1976 in Budapest ) is a Hungarian singer .


Eszter Váczi attended the Zoltán Kodály Music School, where she was a permanent member of the school choir and received classical piano lessons for seven years . She then completed an apprenticeship at the Franz Liszt Music Academy in Budapest, from which she graduated in 2001 with a diploma in jazz singing . During her studies she sang for two years with the group Jazz + Az . After completing her education, she founded her own group Váczi Eszter és a Quartet in 2002 . She received the Fonogram Prize ( Fonogram-díj ) twice for the national jazz album of the year and a platinum record .

Music groups (selection)

Eszter Váczi is or was a member of the following formations:

  • Jazz + Az
  • Hárshegy band
  • Váczi Eszter és a Quartet (with Iván Gátos (piano), Zoltán Schneider (guitar), Bálint Gátos (bass) and Zsolt Mike or Lajos Gyenge (drums))
  • Váczi Eszter és a Szbody

Discographic notes

  • Jazz + Az: Kalózok , 1998
  • Jazz + Az: Egynek jó , 1999
  • Magyar Ugar Volume 1.0 , Sampler , 2001
  • Váczi Eszter: Kicsi vagyok én ... , 2005
  • Váczi Eszter & Quartet: Vissza hozzád , 2008
  • Váczi Eszter & Quartet: Eszter kertje , 2011
  • Váczi Eszter & Quartet: Belső tenger , 2014
  • Váczi Eszter & Quartet: Mégsem múlik el , 2016
  • Váczi Eszter & Quartet: Egy perc , 2017

Web links