Eugen Georg Schuffenhauer

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Eugen Georg Schuffenhauer , also known as Reitzenhainer Mannl , (born June 28, 1881 in Arnsfeld , † 1953 in Reitzenhain ) was the founder of the Schuffenhauer movement , a sect- like organization that spread throughout the Ore Mountains .


The son of factory worker Carl Eduard Schuffenhauer came home from the First World War with a nervous problem. At the turn of the year 1918/19 he had inspirations and apparitions as well as visions of Christ, who supposedly gave him the healing of the sick. In 1922 Schuffenhauer settled in Reitzenhain. His son Martin Schuffenhauer was born there in 1926 and has lived in Aachen since 1954.

From Reitzenhain, Schuffenhauer developed an extensive occult conventicular system , which in 1923 culminated in the so-called Schuffenhauer movement , a sect-like organization that had several hundred members in large parts of the Ore Mountains as far as the Chemnitz area around 1926 . From 1924 he let it be spread that he could speak to the spirits of the deceased at the places of their rest. In so-called "revelations" from 1926 u. a. Martin Luther , Kaiser Wilhelm and Otto von Bismarck have appeared. Expansion hours were held and unofficial materials were written on parchment. Even in the 1960s, the successors of the community in Annaberg, for example , prophesied B. the fire of the Fichtelberghaus .


  • Martin Schuffenhauer: The Reitzenhainer man chosen by God. Self-published, Aachen 1991.
  • Gotthard B. Schicker : Reitzenhainer Mannl - Georg Schuffenhauer, the "Nostradamus of the Ore Mountains". In: Dicknischl - Erzgebirge people from then and now . Druck- und Verlagsgesellschaft, Marienberg 2008, ISBN 978-3-931770-76-1 , pp. 79-83.