Eugene Hintz

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Eugen Hintz (born November 16, 1868 in Danzig ; † November 14, 1932 in Berlin ) was a German engineer , entomologist and explorer .


Eugen Hintz worked in Berlin as a senior engineer after completing his studies. Since 1919 he was a member of the Berlin Society for Anthropology, Ethnology and Prehistory . In addition, he devoted himself, initially as a layman, to zoology and finally specialized in entomology, in which he achieved considerable fame. As a zoologist, he participated in several expeditions to Africa and Melanesia . His trip to Central Africa in 1910/11 and his trip to Portuguese Guinea ( Guinea-Bissau ) in 1926 achieved particular fame . Eugen Hintz died in Berlin in 1932 as a late consequence of a tropical disease. He described numerous species of beetles.


Eugen Hintz collected several thousand natural and ethnographic items each. While most of the natural history objects went to his official clients, he kept the ethnological holdings largely in his private possession. After his death, his widow sold the collection in 1939 to the manufacturer and collector Julius Riemer , who transferred the majority of the collection (more than 1000 objects from Africa and Oceania) to his museum in Wittenberg, where it is almost closed to this day.


  • Eugen Hintz: New Clerids from German East Africa. In: German Entomological Journal. 1902, No. 1, pp. 177-192.
  • Eugen Hintz: Contribution to the knowledge of the Palarctic Clerids. In: German Entomological Journal. 1902, No. 1, pp. 227-230.
  • Eugen Hintz: New Clerids from West Africa. In: German Entomological Journal. 1905, No. 2, pp. 305-314.
  • Eugen Hintz: New Clerids from German East Africa. In: German Entomological Journal. 1907, No. 1, pp. 25-28.
  • Eugen Hintz: The Clerid Genus Phlogistus Gorh. (Col.). In: German Entomological Journal. 1908, No. 6, pp. 708-715.
  • Eugen Hintz: The Cerambycidengenus Sternotomis Perch. (Col.). In: German Entomological Journal. 1911, pp. 573-583.
  • Eugen Hintz: The Cerambycidengenus Chariesthes Chevr. (Col.). In: German Entomological Journal. 1912, pp. 643-648.
  • Eugen Hintz: New African Cerambyciden (Col.). In: German Entomological Journal. 1913, pp. 195-205.
  • Eugen Hintz: Delivery 13. Cerambyciden. In: Results of the Second German Central Africa Expedition 1910–1911 under the leadership of Adolf Friedrichs, Duke of Mecklenburg . Volume 1, Zoology, Leipzig 1919.


  • EK Groll: Biographies of the Entomologists of the World: Online Database Version 6.0 Senckenberg. German Entomological Institute, 2013.
  • E. Strand: About some of the Ethiopian Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera collected by Mr. E. Hintz. In: Entomological Communications. Volume 6, 1917, pp. 34-43.