Eugene Keyler

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Eugen Keyler (born December 10, 1840 in Koenigsberg , † January 16, 1902 in Berlin ) was a Prussian lieutenant general .


After graduating from high school in Königsberg, he initially enrolled at the University of Königsberg. But on February 1, 1860, he joined the 1st East Prussian Grenadier Regiment No. 1 "Crown Prince" . There he was appointed portepeef ensign on July 2, 1860 and second lieutenant on July 23, 1861. In April 1864 he was Adjutant of the Fusilier - battalion . In the German War he was adjutant of the 1st Infantry Division and took part in this position in the battles near Trautenau and Tobitschau as well as the battle near Königgrätz . After the war he became adjutant of the 24th Infantry Brigade and from 1866 to 1869 he was posted to the Military Academy , where he rose to the position of Prime Lieutenant. This command was followed by one to the Guard Field Artillery Regiment, whereupon he came to the 17th Infantry Brigade as an adjutant. with which he went to the Franco-German War in 1870 . He fought near Weißenburg , the battles of Wörth and Sedan , the battle near Stonne, the siege of Paris , the battles on Mont Mesly and at Petit Bicetre , the defeat of La Malmaison, as well as the battle of Mont Valerien .

After the war Keyler was assigned to the general staff and aggregated to the general staff of the army . Promoted to captain on October 3, 1871, he was enlisted in the army general staff, with the great general staff. In November he was transferred to the General Staff of the II. Army Corps, in January to that of the 7th Division, he rose to major on October 12, 1878 and switched to the General Staff of the VII. Army Corps on May 10, 1879 . He returned to the great general staff in 1883 and became a general staff officer at the commandant's office in Thorn fortress . On November 12th he became the commander of the fusilier battalion of the 1st Posen Infantry Regiment No. 18, where he was promoted to lieutenant colonel in 1886. Later appointed as a regular staff officer, he was given command of the grenadier regiment "King Frederick the Great" (3rd East Prussian) No. 4 on November 13, 1888 . On June 16, 1891, promoted to major general, he became commander of the 30th Infantry Brigade. Until he became commandant of Koenigsberg on March 17, 1894 , Keyler received the character of Lieutenant General on April 18, 1895 and was finally retired on June 17, 1897.


  • Robert Albinus: Königsberg Lexicon. Würzburg 2002. ISBN 3-88189-441-1 .
  • Anton Bettelheim (Ed.): Biographisches Jahrbuch und deutscher Nekrolog Volume 7: From January 1 to December 31, 1902. Reimer Verlag, Berlin 1905, p. 104